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spearfishing morality and ethics

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recreational user
Dec 2, 2007
i would like to start a thread where people can discuss ethics, etcANY TAKERS??????? bring it on!!!! i dont plan on participating, i am just hoping to create a spot for those that DO. seems like it is working so far. my thoughts were that , if there was a spot for this, people wouldnt discuss it elsewhere. that is my aim. personally i kill stuff, all the time, insects, fish, all the time. in fact , i dont even have a morality issue with killing a human. if they deserved it,(people often do), mass murderers, rapists, child molesters, etc. so i will never really care to argue this stuff with anyone.but y'all are welcome to go at it with each other to keep focus off my other posts and threads, from those that want to espouse thier personal thoughts and moralities
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Why?? would you go in to the time and effort to start a thread that you 'personally' are not interested in :confused:

I personally dont think it's a good idea. but hey - if this is your cup of tea.
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I dont think its a good idea..ethics can vary from one place to another and this is quite an international forum that accpets such diversity...no reason to start discussing it as it will likely take a bad turn at some point as did other numerbous posts to this effect, scba vs freediving, hunting grouper etc. etc...
i dont see this as a positive step..and would definitely discourage it...
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I’m with my mate on the Camel above, I see no need to stir the shit if the shit don’t need stirring!:naughty:naughty
People have differing views on things depending on location, upbringing, all sorts of things, there's no need to argue about it. See it as a learning opportunity, though that of course needs you to have an open mind and not be set on being right all the time....

Going by your response to another thread JTK, this is going to annoy you, I agree with the others.

This thread would only cause trouble at some point and we like everyone to get along on here.
Did not think spearfishing and ethics would come into the same sentence.

Again, its you, huge speargun against a fish. Situation boils down to its either you or the fish. I would personally love to train a shark to use a .50 cal Barrett and pick targets off a beach and call it sport.
Lets not go into scuba and spearfishing-thats another mess.

Why not start MMA or UFC type tournament underwater where its a human being vs human being.
Did not think spearfishing and ethics would come into the same sentence.

Again, its you, huge speargun against a fish. Situation boils down to its either you or the fish. I would personally love to train a shark to use a .50 cal Barrett and pick targets off a beach and call it sport.
Lets not go into scuba and spearfishing-thats another mess.

Why not start MMA or UFC type tournament underwater where its a human being vs human being.

We may discuss, fairly, if you will. But with a post like this you are gratuitously insulting all the spearfishers of Deeperblue.
Let me remind you that this section of the forum is called "Spearo Board". It's completely disrespectful to step in and post such things here.
I'm speaking with no authority of any sort, I'm speaking as a person. And as a person I expect you to apologize.
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Did not think spearfishing and ethics would come into the same sentence.
Why not?
I guess you get your energy supply using photosynthesis? :D
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We may discuss, fairly, if you will. But with a post like this you are gratuitously insulting all the spearfishers of Deeperblue.
Let me remind you that this section of the forum is called "Spearo Board". It's completely disrespectful to step in and post such things here.
I'm speaking with no authority of any sort, I'm speaking as a person. And as a person I expect you to apologize.

How am I being insulting? How do you think the fish feel?
If I have your knickers in a twist then I am sorry but just voicing my opinion unless you want it to be like 1922-1943,Facist Italy, then I wont say anything.

Did not know you had a "gestapo" set of rules here.

I apologize for my opinion.
How am I being insulting? How do you think the fish feel?
If I have your knickers in a twist then I am sorry but just voicing my opinion unless you want it to be like 1922-1943,Facist Italy, then I wont say anything.

Did not know you had a "gestapo" set of rules here.

I apologize for my opinion.

It's just about the way you expressed your opinion.
You stated that what we do is unethic and unsporty. Full stop.
No question asked, not even the slightest effort to understand our point of view. You seem to have no doubts, no curiosity: it's black or white, it's right or wrong, and of course you are right and we are wrong.
This is what got my knickers in a twist.
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We may discuss, fairly, if you will. But with a post like this you are gratuitously insulting all the spearfishers of Deeperblue.
Let me remind you that this section of the forum is called "Spearo Board". It's completely disrespectful to step in and post such things here.
I'm speaking with no authority of any sort, I'm speaking as a person. And as a person I expect you to apologize.
sorry, ithought it would be obvios that i wasnt seriosly killing dolphins and turtles and stuff. "spearo board" was just the closest thing to throw this out there. i wasnt kidding however about starting a forum for others to argue about this since it seems people DO want to discuss this, and NOT me. personally we need to either start a spot FOR this, or just make a rule that this site is for tech talk only, and actually outlaw it alltogether. that would be best in my opinion. if someone would step up and make it so, the DB would be a better place for it.
sorry, ithought it would be obvios that i wasnt seriosly killing dolphins and turtles and stuff. "spearo board" was just the closest thing to throw this out there. i wasnt kidding however about starting a forum for others to argue about this since it seems people DO want to discuss this, and NOT me. personally we need to either start a spot FOR this, or just make a rule that this site is for tech talk only, and actually outlaw it alltogether. that would be best in my opinion. if someone would step up and make it so, the DB would be a better place for it.

jtk, I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Deepwater.
But, as you see, and as Podge predicted, the sh...t has already been thrown in the fan.
This is how every ethics discussion end up because too many people speak from prejudice and are not interested to really and fairly discuss, are not interested in understanding the point of view of the others. This is sad, but so it goes.
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This issue has been around since DB's beginning. There have been lots of threads on this same subject, some of them going for a long time. There is inevitably some flaming, but afterwards things settle down. If you have an ethics concern with spearfishing, post your thoughts, and start a thread you are certainly welcome, but it will probably go in the same direction as this one! It'll be good practice for the moderators! :D
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It's just about the way you expressed your opinion.
You stated that what we do is unethic and unsporty. Full stop.
No question asked, not even the slightest effort to understand our point of view. You seem to have no doubts, no curiosity: it's black or white, it's right or wrong, and of course you are right and we are wrong.
This is what got my knickers in a twist.

*sigh* read my post again and think about it. As I mentioned its just my point of view which is either right or wrong-probably wrong.

I never said it was unsporty, but instead suggested that you hunt something of the same caliber such as a human with similar capacity as you.

I personally detest hunting fish with the current situation in our oceans.

Again ITS MY POINT OF VIEW-not yours.
jtk, I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Deepwater.
But, as you see, and as Podge predicted, the sh...t has already been thrown in the fan.
This is how every ethics discussion end up because too many people speak from prejudice and are not interested to really and fairly discuss, are not interested in understanding the point of view of the others. This is sad, but so it goes.

Dude, sh*t only hit the fan because your grabbed a fist full of it and flung it in. Now its on the wall, floor carpet and in your hair too.

I read everyones opinion on this and respect it.

Now I am giving you mine. And how do you know what prejudice sounds like???Every discussion on ethics does not have to be like this-only if you want it too.
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This thread should be deleted by mods as soon as possible due to the lack of understanding amongst each other.

Look it's clear that we are all diff here period why don't we just change the subject matter here and focus on more interesting posts. Instead of pointing fingers at who insulted who and who stirred the shit up more or worse I suggest we drop this if we can come to some kind agreement and respectful responses .
No wonder there are so many problems in the world when most people find it impossible to have a civilised discussion about ethics. :(
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Expressing your views is one thing although when you say spearfishing is not ethical you cant really expect a positive response and blame others for reacting that way..

implying italian facism/gestapo Sh*t in a response to an italian is another thing entirely..
Spaghetti is a valuable member here, and he is always very open to criticism and debate....when its constructive of course
If i look at what youve written , youre basically asking to start sh*t up...if youre against spearfishing thats fine, thats your opinion/view etc... better stick to areas of the forums where you feel are more relevant to you...
I think you all got the main concept of this thread wrong. What jtkwest meant by starting this thread is to focus all the BS that goes into other areas of this forum into one thread .... this way all the bullshi*ers have one place to voice their BS.

does this sound correct? ..... or is it just another BS posting?
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