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spearfishing morality and ethics

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as to the whole bird thing, say you kill a sparrow, why? what was the purpose. What had that sparrow done wrong or wat service is its death going to provide? see what i mean.
So your saying when i run your cat over I should be sure to get you to.
no i am saying, if you run cats over, your argument just lost all merit,(not that you had any previously) maybe i will bring her to utah and let her eat all the pretty birds in and around your house, she loves birds, the prettier the better, nature takes its course.(food chain) what kinda spearing you doin in utah anyway? . at lest not without a dry suit. do you shoot lake fish? how sporting is that? not too many sharks in a lake so atlest it is safe for ya. do you even spear? or just like arguing about it?
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horse meat is one of the leanest red meats and low in sat. fat, healthier by far than beef, but we ,(usa) dont eat them because we like them.they are pretty . who decides this? [/quote]

Who says we don't eat Horse- Ever hear of SPAM?

Reactions: jtkwest
as to the whole bird thing, say you kill a sparrow, why? what was the purpose. What had that sparrow done wrong or wat service is its death going to provide? see what i mean.
you have got my position confused with others, i am a killer and not worried about it. my personal position is, unless it is endangered of extinction or NEEDED i feel it is not IMMORAL to kill it. i may not choose to do so, but it is MY choice for MY life and morality doesnt come into play
Hey mate, you started the thread so you should expect all kinds of reactions! There is nothing wrong in that but if you light the touch-paper you will get fireworks! No-one is ganging up on you, it's an emotional subject...
i was talking about other threads, laser pointer anyone? emotions have no place here in my opinion. gang up all you want on this thread, so far i see us killers are slaying the bleeding hearts in the debate thus far. if you kill anything, ANYTHING, you didnt HAVE to kill to survive,(insects birds rats fish cats) AND are a strict vegetarian ,then you dont have a MORAL leg to stand on in this argument . all of us with IQ's in the triple digits can see this crystal clearly

Reactions: jtkwest
yeah we get some decent spearing in the lakes arround here and they are kinda cold in the summer they are good though, about 60-75 depending on the lake. we don have sharks but we do have blue gill which are pretty much an american piranah, I once had a very traumatic experiance with one in wich i almost lost my left nipple.

wait, what?
thats funny, (not for you im sure)actually i lost part of my left nipple to a cat when i was about 10, very traumatic for me also. come to think of it i dont like cats either now,.........where is my speargun.....here kitty kitty
you all should be givin me rep for this post, even if you disagree,, this is great no? i tried to give myself some but it wont work
Reactions: colt.45
horse meat is one of the leanest red meats and low in sat. fat, healthier by far than beef, but we ,(usa) dont eat them because we like them.they are pretty . who decides this? [/quote]

Who says we don't eat Horse- Ever hear of SPAM?

you arent serious i hope? i was just frontin' i like horses,(to ride, not eat)
thats funny, (not for you im sure)actually i lost part of my left nipple to a cat when i was about 10, very traumatic for me also. come to think of it i dont like cats either now,.........where is my speargun.....here kitty kitty

So i can kill your cat?
here you go i got 1 for you i had i giant butterfly koi solid peral white and about 20 inchs or so worth a coulpple hundred to the right ppl and planed on selling it to some1 in 2 years for 500(already pre decided and worked out) my neighbors cat comes over while the dog is in the house and takes off running with it half eaten when i look out at my pond... so what i do i let out the dog an say fetch and point the rest is history...
and as for shootin bird 4 practice i do it to hell i just shot bout 10-12 b4 i came in the house an got on they were makin such a raquet out side :naughty... but also they were all black birds that take turtle doves nest which they were fightin about and love all the turtle dove and there is even a redtail hawk in my back yard but black birds r 2 damn lazy 2 build thier own they take other bird nest so i make em dissapear:martial...and i get the birds i want around
Reactions: colt.45
Yeah magpies have become somewhat of an endangered species around my place
not here during certin times of the year they take off the no shooting a gun in city limits in places they get so bad... same as crows 2...
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