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spearfishing near to Manchester

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Dec 10, 2013
Hi my friends. I just arrived to Manchester city. I would like to meet somebody for go to spearfishing near to Manchester or Liverpool area.

I'm an experimented spearfisher.

Hi Bikersub,
Might be worth posting in the UK regional section: http://forums.deeperblue.com/forums/uk-ireland.139/
I believe Italian spearo extraordinaire Dario was based in Manchester(?). He left the country but I think he returned recently. Some of the freedivers are up there too.
wales will probably be your best bet from there....Only dived in wales a couple of times (near fishguard) and that was ok
hi bikersub
I am living in the Liverpool area and I not an experienced spear fisher but looking for someone to go with so I can get more experience. I think north wales is the best place to go spear fishing, I have read a lot about llyn, it seems this is the best place to go for Bass. I would love to chat more with you and maybe arrange a trip together