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Spearfishing on TV

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Baron of Breathold
Oct 17, 2001
Is Kona a great place, or what? We get to meet so many of the world's divers. Yesterday, out of the blue, Terry Maas came walking down the beach. It was good to 'talk story' with a dive buddy from the long past, especially a famous one. Even better, he had great news. There are new episodes of Speargun Hunter that will start in January and even more planned, if I heard right.
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Bill - do these TV programmes get put onto DVD for sale in Europe? I would have thought there would be a market for them?
I just looked at freedive.net and they have some videos but I think someone else has the rights if you make a TV show. Don't know who.
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