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Spearfishing Photos!

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Dec 18, 2006
hey just thought i would start a cool thread by asking, what is your favorite freediving or spearfishing picture, maybe we could get some really cool ones in here

this is of cameron kirkconnell with a 102# mack


  • ada.jpg
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Nice one Mr Madness that’s a nice fish must of made one hell of a BBQ?
Is that a pending record? Must be pretty close. An odd looking fish at that size.
it would have broken the record, however he had no scale on the remote island in fiji, and also no electricity...bummer...lets see some more pics
it would have broken the record, however he had no scale on the remote island in fiji, and also no electricity...bummer...lets see some more pics

They may want to invest on a new scale for 2007!!!!.

All those WR fish and no scale!!!! A good scale is piece of equipment that I always take on any big trip, I also include a good camera and a measuring tape.

As you know the ISBRC and the IUSA requires the fish to be weighed on a scale.

A WR fish only comes ONES in a Lifetime, if we invest all that money on trips and equipment why not invest on a good scale.

Happy New Year 2007!!!
Nice thread!
I prefer pics made in beautiful surroundings, nice viz, colours and nice fish ofcourse!
But have a look at this, he obviously did not spear this fish, but when I saw this for the first time..pffff

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
Another Big Mac photo. Greg Pickering's world record. 46.2kg, which is also 102lbs.

Its inspiring for me because it was shot off this coast. Greg's story of the hunt can be read at:

AUF - Spearfishing


  • Greg's Big Mack.jpg
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By the way, Greg is a tall guy. Around 6 ft anyway.
Here is one from the fresh water. Actually my first...it is fun when they pull you around a bit!

Hope to get more this year!
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