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Spearfishing/sailing adventure

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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2006
Hello everyone,

$70 - $110 USD/day - 2 week tropical freediving/spearfishing/sailing adventure.

I have posted the following in the freediving section but since I am an avid spearfisher the post belongs here as well.
I also would like to hear about spots and advice about spearfishing near La Paz in Baja California. It will be our destination.
So far there are 5 people involved but there is still place aboard. I am available for more than 2 weeks so we can arrange another boat load.

I am currently looking for people who want to join in on the
adventure. An adventure to tread where most land lubbers can't and
to enjoy the marine environment entirely while living on it.

The plan is to charter a sailing yacht in the tropics for at least 2
weeks, some time in November and leisurely go from island to island,
exploring exotic dive sites and attractions that the areas offer
both at sea and on land. Baja California and the Sea of Cortes is
the most attractive destination at the moment (subject to yacht
availability). Similar to the Galapagos, the convergence of cold and
tropical currents gives the area one of the richest marine ecosystem
in the world. Another advantage is the proximity with North America
and the consequent lost cost/ease of flying there. Unlike many other
tropical destinations it is also an area open for spearfishing. The
sleepy Mexican small towns in the area are also interesting places
to anchor at. Puerto Escondito happens to be on the cruise itinerary
and is the location and name of a film of one of my favorite Italian


The focus of the trip is to provide countless opportunities for
freediving, line diving, spear fishing, sailing, line fishing,
marine life encounters both inshore and in open ocean. There will
also be time to spend ashore enjoying the tropics' lifestyle and
atmosphere. We will specifically seek opportunities to dive
seamounts (underwater peaks) and far out reefs in search of exciting
encounters with the most amazing sea life. All aboard will be crew
sharing and being responsible towards the daily activities required
to run a yacht. Opportunity will be present for anyone to acquire
seamanship and learn how to sail a yacht. The boat will have all the
necessities to safely sail and live aboard comfortably.
We will not only be living on the sea but off the sea. Seafood
feasts will be daily occurrences. When I have time and the best sea
food ingredients I love to cook. Lots of people have fond memories
of the seafood I caught/gathered and cooked onboard. Eating seafood
is the easiest/most logical food to have aboard.
However, if anyone has problems with seafood we can try to
accommodate him/her at the time of provisioning.

Crewing details:

I will be skippering the yacht and take the responsibility for the
crew and boat. One of the crewmember will be the "mate" and assist
me in running the boat and act as skipper in the unlike event of me
being out of commission for what ever reason. The mate will be
chosen among volunteers with previous experience or at least some
predisposition. Everyone else will, if they choose to, do 95% of
whatever the skipper and mate do. Unless somebody will volunteer as
galley slave, everyone will participate in catering and general
house keeping activities.
Generally speaking this type of vacation is not for people that like
the pampering and baby sitting of all inclusive vacations. It is
rather for those who like action and a stimulating environment.

Skipper Credentials:

I have extensive experience in sailing and freediving in the
tropics. I have sailed both as crew and skipper for about 16000
nautical miles on various sailing yachts mostly in tropical waters
around the globe.
I have dove and spearfished in most oceans in the tropical belt and
I have plenty of knowledge regarding tropical sea life and the risks
associated with tropical underwater activities.
Despite the many months at sea on sailing boats I never had major
incidents occurring to me or my shipmates.
I also happen to be a certified professional mariner and senior
officer in the merchant navy. I run ships and drilling rigs for a

Monetary Details:

The cost of chartering the boat will be shared equally and varies
depending on the destination, boat size and number of people sharing
the cost. For budgetary purposes, the target cost per person per day
is about 70 to 110 USD per day and should include the boat, food,
fuel and any other common costs like mooring. The airfare is on top
of that respective to each individual participant's requirements.
The crew can join for one or two weeks. Given that I start a 4 week
break on the 4th of November I am available and happy to sail around
for even more than 2 weeks.

Booking Details:

The booking of yachts usually occurs many months in advance. Since
November is the month chosen we are already late and will have to
choose among the boat left over in the various charter boat
Depending on the number of people joining we will pick a boat
between 36 and 46 feet long with 3 cabins.
The next step is to find a minimum of 5 people committed to the
adventure. At such a time, we will match the availability of
everyone with the most suitable boat and destination. The process
has to be prompt in order to find a suitable boat and airfare at
decent prices.

Please contact me via E-mail to discuss the matter further (ciri@lightspeed.ca) starting from Sept. 09 I'll be at home (604 990 6910). I am in Brazil now but I do check my mail.

This is an opportunity that you don't want to miss. To do the same
things via a commercial establishment would cost way more and would
not be so much fun. There is great satisfaction to be had in running
a yacht and make things happen. It's raw fun, undigested!

Cheers and look forward to hearing from you.

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