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spearfishing shop around barcelona?

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Active Member
Aug 14, 2006
I'll go spearfishing at costa brava in june. Can anybody recommend a good spearfishing shop in this area?(Barcelona, Girona)
All the best from Berlin

Hi Sebastian,
There are plenty of spearfishing shops in the area, especially further north towards Girona. You have DeeperBlue's own source, the scubastore, just off of Torruella de Montgri, and Subprof in Cassa de la Selva, also near Girona. Palamos has a great shop also, Figueres and Girona city there are a couple. So you have a lot to choose from. Depends where you'll be diving and if you have transportation. I don't know any in the BCN area but obviously there must be some.
Thanks alot, Adrian!
I already asked subprof if they have a real store as well but they said no, only a warehouse. Is it possible to pick up stuff there?(I aways like to see stuff before I buy it.)Does Subprof has a real store? Any adress of the stores in Girona/Figueres? Transportation is no problem, we have an old Volkswagen Camper, really looking forward to June! I dived the costa brave last year and it was amazing!!! You live in a very nice area Adrian, I have to admit I'm a little bit jealous.
All the best
You can pick up things at their warehouse, I go there sometimes, it's only 30 - 40 minutes from my house. I'll PM you my details.
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