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Spearfishing suppliers....who's most popular!!

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bubble head!!
Jun 16, 2004
Hi Guys

whos kicking out the best deals in the country in regards to suppliers of spearfishing equipment?? Need to change my suit and some bits and looking for a good online site with no import hassles!!!


Depends on what you want to buy? you mention a suit, then I would say a MTM from diveskin for about £135 is hard to beat.
You have several choices nearer to your home like Venture sports or Apnea for guns & stuff... then of course you have the DB shop = very cheap deals but sometimes slow delivery & sometimes very fast!
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Yes fox fish, suit wise I was looking at the Elios or the Apnea line. But the Dive skin looks good too. Do you own one??? Apnea are in Jersey right??? Just no tax added to the prices until hitting the check out! DB still have a shop??? Tryed to find it but maybe doing some work on it when i looked!!!

Thanks to you both

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