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Spearfishing The Island of Corsica?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
May 31, 2005
Hi, can anyone tell me about do's and don't's regarding The Island of Corsica?

Very quickly. The island comes under French legislation so you need to acquire permission from a maritime affaires office.

Otherwise the whole of the west coast looks great from cap corse all the down to bonifacio with the exception of porto which has a nature reserve. The best fish to be found are Denti and Seriole or Liche.
Thanks mate, I'm looking at doing some trips abroad, where I can get some decent diving in, clear water, fish, y'know.......

Been here 7 months from Oz, and it ain't rating real high so far!!! :hmm
Hmm.....No Vis, No Fish, mainly! All I want is blue clear water, decent debt and some fish.......
ah! That'll be why there's no fish then have you tried hooking up with the LIC?
Get in touch with Paul Maxwell from the LIC he'll give you an idea or two. The Açores Islands are probably your best bet because the Atlantique Ocean is better fishing than the Mediteranian Sea. Here's Pauls website to give you a few ideas
Reactions: Alison
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