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spearfishing world champ

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UK Spearo said:
in one comp this year I ran about 4 miles (in searing heat!) to get to a good spot.... I looked around and there right behind me was Pete Crawford!!!

Yeah but to be fair, he did get his tie caught in your wetsuit at the car park rofl
UK Spearo said:
in one comp this year I ran about 4 miles (in searing heat!) to get to a good spot.... I looked around and there right behind me was Pete Crawford!!!
Dont ever go out for "a quick pint" with him the night before a competition. I speak from experience, he is completely impervious to alcohol or hangovers..........
Last updates.
After monday's opening cerimony and the official field reckon days, the athletes are scheduled to challenge tomorrow and sunday.

As Asturven forecast correctly, the weather has turned terrible on the World Champ location in Portugal: strong wind, high waves, low viz, the worst conditions definitely. Last reports say a delay is possible due to strong winds. And if they do the competition, luck will be very important.
All the field marks taken in the last days wil probably be useless due to drastically changing weather: fish won't stay in their holes. The italian team guys report that all the holes and crevices crowded with fish they had been marking during the week, this morning were found all empty.
It's gonna be a very tough competition: they say the luckiest is gonna win. But yet a tough competition for die-hard veterans in nearly prohibitive conditions. Cool champ's gonna happen tomorrow (if the wind takes a rest).
As there's nothing in their website or elsewhere, would somebody know if it will be an individual boat meet as before or a swum competition with boards like the European Individual's, near Biarritz, France, won by a Portuguese, BTW?
Yes, as reported before, the conditions for this weekend's championships seem difficult, which could make it rather interesting, since the teams that previosuly scouted the areas won't have this as a huge advantage....but as always, it's fishing! we never know...

I can confirm you about the peruvian team members: Mario Espinoza, Carlos Fung, Daniel Marquez and Julian Locket (R). Just having the memories of Carlos' fantastic second day of fishing in the worlds in Ilo-Peru some years ago.

Fuerza companheros!

it didn't open (I've acrobat). The page seems to be empty. I've even tried through the federation website.
Ted Budion said:
it didn't open (I've acrobat). The page seems to be empty. I've even tried through the federation website.
My Acrobat does open it, maybe it's just an attached link faliure. But if you google mundial sines you can find it first hand as I did. The text is in portuguese.
Ted and Spaghetti:

the document in mention has the particular rules for the championship, the valid species, the points system etc, as well as maps of the areas where it takes place.

In an email from Juliann, who is in Sines as our reserve spearo, he mentioned that the draw for the boats had been taken place and that everything seemed well organized...despite the sea conditions! (if only this would depend on us)
The boats are isemi-rigid nflatables Zodiac type (Valiant, Jocker, Avon, Mariner, Zebron) with engines in the ranges 40,50,60,70 and 90 hp.

Something curious to note is that the team captains don't have a particular designated boat.
As far as commissioners concerns: each boat captain (botero) is the owner of his boat and acts as a commissioner.

And tomorrow, the boats ''Dentex'', ''Mergulhao'' and ''Veloz'' will have the peruvian spearos on board.

Classificação Final

1º Patrício Saez 186,746
2º António Silva 182,726
3º Santiago Cid 145,160
4º Rui Torres 142,580
5º Pedro Carbonel 117,321
6º Franco Bosquez 107,374
7º Lagutin 104,415
8 Gospic 95,742
9º Fouc 91,303
10º Bellani 89.834

1º Portugal 410,693
2º Espanha 340,405
3º Chile 261,817
4º Croacia 257,420
5º Italia 247,789
6º França 200,249

honour to the new World Champion Patricio Saez: he made a stunning performance in the storm with 3 meters high ocean waves.
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