holla companieros
I'd like to start a thread to gather information about ballistic, I mean about the interaction of bands and shaft for penetration, accuracy, range etc.
Your are more then welcome to post links of charts or other valid reference.
Let's start it with my own interrogations.
1-On a RA ZULU 1300mm with 180cm shaft, what would be the difference between 2x16mm bands or 1x20mm band. Beside the 20mm is so hard to load.
2-On the RA ZULU 1600mm and the RA ZULU 1300mm the bands are exactly the same length. What's the impact on the shaft. Can you simply cut your bands to get more power. I know it's all about balance between a few factors. I've totally overpowered a jbl explorer 20 and made the difference between catching something and catching nothing. And i can make really good headshot with it. Maybe it's cause I have it since 16 years!
3-internet sites are proposing different rubbers, but we never mention the type of rubber. It's all about diameter and length. Does somebody know if they really are better rubber than others.
4-On woody gun with a barrel of 28'' who's made for max three bands what would be the differnce between 1x20mm and 3x16mm
5-Why would you use a longer spear than original.
I really really would like your input on this. It might sounds weird that I spearfish since that long without knowing much about bands and gun.
For close than 15 years I used the jbl 20'' same mask, same tuba and same fins. no suit. I live in canada so the season is pretty short and I had never met other spearfisher before a few years ago.
I just rediscover my Passion for spearfishing 2 years ago and it became a sickness. I got geared up ,got good fish and got tons of fun.
Thanks for your help
Accuracy=less injured and more kill
I'd like to start a thread to gather information about ballistic, I mean about the interaction of bands and shaft for penetration, accuracy, range etc.
Your are more then welcome to post links of charts or other valid reference.
Let's start it with my own interrogations.
1-On a RA ZULU 1300mm with 180cm shaft, what would be the difference between 2x16mm bands or 1x20mm band. Beside the 20mm is so hard to load.
2-On the RA ZULU 1600mm and the RA ZULU 1300mm the bands are exactly the same length. What's the impact on the shaft. Can you simply cut your bands to get more power. I know it's all about balance between a few factors. I've totally overpowered a jbl explorer 20 and made the difference between catching something and catching nothing. And i can make really good headshot with it. Maybe it's cause I have it since 16 years!
3-internet sites are proposing different rubbers, but we never mention the type of rubber. It's all about diameter and length. Does somebody know if they really are better rubber than others.
4-On woody gun with a barrel of 28'' who's made for max three bands what would be the differnce between 1x20mm and 3x16mm
5-Why would you use a longer spear than original.
I really really would like your input on this. It might sounds weird that I spearfish since that long without knowing much about bands and gun.
For close than 15 years I used the jbl 20'' same mask, same tuba and same fins. no suit. I live in canada so the season is pretty short and I had never met other spearfisher before a few years ago.
I just rediscover my Passion for spearfishing 2 years ago and it became a sickness. I got geared up ,got good fish and got tons of fun.
Thanks for your help
Accuracy=less injured and more kill