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Speargun Handle/Reciever outer diameter

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Active Member
Jun 21, 2011
Hey, guys good day to you all, I need a little help. Planning to make a hybrid speargun with wooden barrel and a euro plastic handle and reciever. Looking to purchase a handle for Omer Cayman, trying to findout what is the outer diameter of the part that you insert in the barrel.So that I have a clue what router bits I will buy. If you guys have any or any other brands, can you please post the diameter of your recievers. Maybe it's time to clean those barrels, maybe this is a good time to clean it as well. Thank you in advance.


  • omer-cayman-carbonium-hand-grip.jpg
    54.3 KB · Views: 335
The front bosses on those handles are intended to fit inside tubing, so may not be long enough to fit inside timber and still be resistant to the stock splitting under the bending action imposed by the bands when cocked. Timber barrels have often been added to socket fronted grip handles to avoid this problem. If you look at some of Omer's own spearguns they will inset the mechanism inside the stock of their non-tube guns using a special handgrip moulding made for this job.
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