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Speargun of the future - among other things

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i guess thats a freeshafters wet dream lol

very interesting technology.. remove drag, increase speed.. must ponder how to get a bubble of air around my spear every time i shoot :)
an underwater assault rifle, now that's what I need. Or maybe two underwater desert eagles with ivory handle inlays. yehaa. I can see myself quoting pacino in scarface while blasting some punk snapper.

i gotta get myself one of those! rofl rofl .....

beats the hell out of a powerhead!:martial

Actually, the supercavitation effect is a well kept secret among top freedivers:

that pic looks like it was photoshopped. hahaha everybody would be a sitting duck underwater though, we can not swim fast enough to hide! rofl
so thats how freedivers do it... all this time, i havnt been using supercavitation to improve my dives, shame on me :(
This is Russian Speznaz :) I have a friend who was one of them :) This gun shoots needles Very powerful gun ,range around 20 meters
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