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spearin Thailand?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Apr 8, 2004
hi im planning to go to thailand in summer 2007 for 6 weeks or more.
i also thougt about taking my speargun with me, but i dont know about the regulations or anything else there. I dont want to get into any trouble, were a group of 4 21 year olds and will do mostly backpacking trips.
so what gear is really necessary,and what is suitable for the thai waters.
i own an omer excalibur 90cm and an imersion t4 (7mm spear , twin 16 rubber 75 cm) and i thought about bringing these two with me. good idea?
for reef, for something bigger like makarel ,what would u suggest?
also is it a good idea to take spareparts with me( shafts, line etc.)?
or are there shops where i can get a hold of spearing gear?
i read somewhere that there are a lot of marine conservation areas, are there plans of those areas? not that i want to go there:naughty

i consider myself as beginner to average spearfisherman, so for what fish do i have chances? (taste??)

also are ther any dangers? sharks etc. police?
i usually dive med waters.

hope someone helps me out!!

will plan my trip , after i know the best spots:)
had a similiar problem last year went to egypt with all my gear and found out spearing is illegal there:rcard had to do my scuba certificate instaead.

thx for all your input
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