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Spearing at the Canyon

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New Member
Jan 16, 2002
I have two mates who regularly spear with me summer and winter , good weather or bad . Some days we return with nearly filled quotas , sometimes we have nothing to show for our efforts .
Then there are a dozen other guys with guns who only spear when they see us with good catches . These we call "doppies " or corks 'cause they mainly bob around on the surface and cause mayhem and grief to all around them .
After two very productive afternoons we were swamped with requests to join us the next day ; my mates opted out and I only agreed to go after some serious persuasion . The place we had been getting all our fish ; the canyon ; is hard to locate and I was the only one with accurate markings .
It starts at around 40m. and rises to 30m. With the prevailing north current there is always some pockets of baitfish around with accompanying pelagics . Have seen marlin , sailfish , tuna , wahoo ,ignobilis , jobfish ,dorado ,... hell , everything comes past here .
It is also by far the sharkiest reef around with tigers , makos and the occasional oceanic whitetip joining in the fun with the resident bulls , hammers ect.
On this day we had to launch two boats with five spearo's each . After bouncing some 8 km. in fairly choppy seas we eventually arrived at the canyon and everyone started trailing out their floatlines while I moved us upcurrent from the dropoff . It looked like a couple of serious entries to a knitting contest behind the boats , and I again doubted the wisdom of my joining this mad expedition , especially when one of "my " doppies suddenly realized he had forgotten to bring a float and line ...
Now I am a great believer in being first in the water , and was not impressed to see everyone else jumping in while helping the wretch attach my spare kit .
As I was about to enter the water there was a huge commotion from the spearo's , all bobbing around shouting at each other . At first I thought they must have caught sight of one of the resident tigers , which would have been nice since this is usually enough to send them scampering back on board . ( I am not a very nice person when I'm spearing )
As it turned out a black marlin had just swam through the group ; not one of them had even tried for it !:head
While everyone was still discussing this sight I hastily yanked all my guys out of the water and flew back upcurrent . We had drifted the better part of a K. by the time the fish was seen , and I wanted to get to the top of the reef before it .
Since I was skippering , I was again forced to be last in the water and the rest of my group were some 20 m. downcurrent of me as I entered . I had barely loaded my gun and my flashers were still on the surface when I heard what sounded like an underwater battle being fought .
I immediately dove down to around 15m. , pulled myself into a little ball and waited , facing downcurrent . Out of the blue a black shape appeared , heading straight for me at a leisurely pace . As the fish reached me it turned side - on for a good look and I drilled it through the shoulder above and behind the peck , trying for an exit through the opposing gillplate .
This shot is very secure , seriously inconveniences it's breathing and does a lot of damage too . As it turned out , I only managed to nick the gillplate though
Oh , BTW. , three of the doppies fired at the fish , none hit their mark ...:duh
My topman on the boat knew the drill and followed me as I was pulled away , leaving the other four bobbing alone eagerly scanning the ocean for the other boat , yelling to be picked up .
Because of the poor shot it took me 45 mins. to subdue the fish and got dragged all over the place .


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This shot is very secure , seriously inconveniences it's breathing and does a lot of damage too . As it turned out , I only managed to nick the gillplate though

That is why I been telling you Bro, a Railgun is a Railgun and a Riffe is a Riffe...Wha ha ha:D :D

These we call "doppies " or corks 'cause they mainly bob around on the surface and cause mayhem and grief to all around them

Are you trying to describe me : IyaDiver in a very subtle fashion ???:D :D

Nice fish Man. Let me go to a machine shop to custom make some "unshrinkable-balls" to prepare for that resident Tiger:confused:
Thanks Iya . As for the nicked gillplate ; what I meant was the spear exited just behind the plate , but it went straight through Two 16mm. bands is all you need ...;)

Dude nice fish!!! If I ever see something like that in the water I would firstly SH!t myself because I would think it is a shark then when I figure out what it is I'll be to Nervous to place the shot correctley.

Way to Go

Incredible fish. i cant wait for the day i shoot a fish that is bigger than me.
Glad that you got the decent shot in. its terrible if a fish like that gets a bad shot and it tears out, only to die later.
what does marlin taste like? i've only ever had it smoked.

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Thanks Griff ;SAFS ,
Marlin and sailies have solid meat and thick skin . If your spear goes through , you are not likely to lose it . They also remain close to the surface until they tire , when they have a habit of sounding . Bringing it back up is hell on weels . That's why I favour the gill shot - it suffocates and loses a lot of blood .
Have had a few more opportunities to puncture marlin , but would have been body shots , I know this sounds strange coming from me but don't want these magnificent beasts to suffer unduly ...:eek:
Stopped spearing sailies after I landed my sixth .
Oh BTW , I don't like the meat , always give the fish away to the locals . Should see them smiling when I come back with a bill .:D
Originally posted by Griff
its terrible if a fish like that gets a bad shot and it tears out, only to die later.

As long as you dont hit the vital organs a speared fish that comes off has a very good chance of survival .
Have seen mackerel pull off the spear only to return minutes later actively pursuing baitfish .
BTW , it was a mate who lost it , I got it ...:D
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