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Spearing girlfriend

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Halla Waaaaallllaaa
Aug 15, 2002
FINALLY after almost two years of dating i convinced the missus to come along spearing with me.

any tips?

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Sherri joins me and has no interest in poking fish, so she does her own thing, spots me on deeper/longer stuff, and is interested in taking pics in the future. Maybe get your lady to bring a U/W cam and get some pics and vid?
One caveat: DON'T use your girl as the fish stringer, trust me lol!
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Sherri joins me and has no interest in poking fish, so she does her own thing, spots me on deeper/longer stuff, and is interested in taking pics in the future. Maybe get your lady to bring a U/W cam and get some pics and vid?
One caveat: DON'T use your girl as the fish stringer, trust me lol!

That is very good advice for fish stringerroflroflrofl
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dont pi$% her off in the car on the way there, remember you will be arming her when you get out of the car!
thanks for the advice guys
sadly she chickend out in the last minute. something about barracuda
the conversation was somewhat like this:

me: get ready, were leaving in 10 minutes
her: ok

5 minutes later
her: im not coming.
her: i just saw the pictures of the barracuda and im scared
me: chicken shit
her: hey!
me: c'mon baby, its not even cuda season
her: i don care, they can swim to me if they wanted to
me: and you have a SPEARGUN with which you can shoot them
her: im not going
me: ok. dont fish, just snorkel if you want and you can work on your tan on the boat
her: i can work on my tan on the beach where there are no barracuda
me: whats up with you and barracuda?
her: listen baby, finish, im not going this time, maybe next time, and il make it up to you
me: ok, that sounds good (with a wicked grin)
her: youre such a perv

anyways its a good thing she didnt come, the sea was kinda choppy
All it takes is one nice fish. I took my fiance out for the first time a few months ago (aside from some night diving for lobster previously). She shot a nice sized papio (jack travelly) and has been stoked ever since.

I just bought her a pair of long blades (chicks make longblades look real good!:inlove) and she loves them. The best part is that nothing scares her! She was a marine science major in college and I quote "I hope we see a tiger shark today!"

The down side is that when she does tag along I spend a majority of the time keeping an eye on her rather than concentrating on my breathing, we are restricted to depths of 30ft or less, and its hard to convince her not to hover above me while im stalking fish.

Kind of a catch 22.
I'd rather have that Catch 22 than my....

Awe come on I haven't been in the water for _______! :head

What do you mean the gutters need doing first???? :confused:

And do the tile??? Who likes tile???? :rcard

One more try..."You don't want me to waste using all this good gear do you?" :t

No I'm not selling it all on ebay! :naughty rofl

And finally yes I love you. :inlove

Oh, and I took her (Sheri) offshore once...watching ones love chumming for barracuda does not induce romance.
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When we were kids and on the boat way offshore w/ Dad and come up next to a party boat (head boat) even on flat seas there would be a bunch of beered up yahoos blowin' chunks to barracudas. Dad would make the chumming joke and then one of us little snots would yell out "Gotta put a hook in it to catch anything!" If looks could kill...we'd have been keelhauled right there. :martial:naughty:t
Hey at least u are lucky that the idea to come with u (for the Missus) clicked in her head... Ive been trying to convince the madame to start diving with me since 3yrs and it didnt work !!!!
Persistance--get a camera & let her take pics & vid of you spearing!
Actually she's buying me a new underwater camera for my birthday :) !!! That's a good idea, i never thought of that before and will do that ;) !!!
We strive for nothing but domestic bliss...that's how get away with stuff!:t
Take it easy on her. Dont take her out into the deep murk on the very first dive. Keep it to the areas you think she might feel comfortable. If you freak her out on her first dive good luck getting her to go out again.
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