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Spearing in Oz?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.

Ross H

New Member
Aug 2, 2005
Hey all,

I'm off to Oz for a well earned and well anticipated trip at Christmas time. The general plan is to travel Sydney-Melbourne to see the relatives, then off round the coast (the bottom East coast corner- cant remember the name), before heading back on up the coast road as far as possible in the time allowed.

The 4 predominant things i will be doing are surfing and free diving/spearing, drinking beer and meeting some lovely ozzy ladies. 3 of these i have no problem with.

So...my question is thus: Anyone done much spearing in any of these areas? And more importantly, what type of fishies are good eating? I hate spearing a fish if its not to be eaten, so was really hoping some of you guys could make the learning curve a little shallower for me before I head off! BTW- pictures would be ace as my fish recongition is pretty minimal!!

Also planning on being bit of a purist and trying to only hunt with a pole spear!!

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