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Spearing New England

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Screw work, lets go divin
Jun 7, 2007
Went out today for a couple hours with Alexrom1207. Had decent visibility and conditions for our area, although the sun decided to hide on us for most of the time :head But we got a few fish and pictures, so here they are for your enjoyment. Excuse the redness in some of the land photos, I left the sea mode on by accident. Camera is a Sealife Reefmaster SL320. Thanks for looking! -John


  • Spearfishing May 24 2008-deep hole 021.jpg
    39.4 KB · Views: 136
  • Spearfishing May 24 2008-deep hole 020.jpg
    41.3 KB · Views: 149
  • Spearfishing May 24 2008-deep hole 027.jpg
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  • Spearfishing May 24 2008-deep hole 022.jpg
    85.2 KB · Views: 144
Groovy! But what about the fish? )))
What kind of fish do you usually find in these waters. And have you tried spearing in freshwater in New England?
I lived in MA for one year where freshwater spearfishing is technically allowed, but i could not find a single lake/river where it would not be prohibited.
In some lakes it is allowed to swim, but fishing is not allowed while in others one can fish, but cannot swim - because of all water scooters. etc.
Please advise. Thanks!
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