No where in my posts is there any assumption about the video showing state or federal waters. Nor does it matter.
I guess you correctly assumed that I did not like your video. I should have explained why in my first post. Please accept my apologies and here goes.
Videos like yours, posted on DB, will be seen by all sorts of divers, including those much less experienced than you. They will, understandably, assume that what they see is a good way to do it, not realizing that the gun rig is dangerous when used as pictured, that loading a gun above the water can lead to some horrendous accidents unless the diver is very very careful,that shooting permit only ok in some places, not realizing that this will be a hot button issue for some marine patrol officers or realizing that they need to be extra careful where they are, thinking that its OK to go out and slaughter lots of old, slow growing, large predators, and since somebody must be eating those barracuda, they must be good to eat, not realizing that big ones have a well deserved reputation for poisoning people. People see such videos, go out and do stupid stuff, end up dead, poisoned or arrested, and my sport suffers. Having been an avid spearo in Florida and the Bahamas for almost 50 years as well as a fishery biologist actively involved in fishery management, I've seen the results of such videos more than once, and don't like it.