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Spearo.co.uk uk's finest supplier ???

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2008

many thanks for the refund of my money in regards the seatec vest and weight. I feel the need to post here as you do not reply to polite emails or answer your phone.
can you pm me with why you do not respond to emails or calls and why you cannot supply what I ordered without even a polite reason why.
A refund is all well and good but it just feels like you do not care what your customers think.
Moderators will probably close this as looking back over others posts similar to mine regarding your service ill get a kicking from your mates on this site but feel its in the interests of other people proposing to buy stuff that its shall we say very hit and miss as to the service you supply with a complete whatever attitude to service. Dave I hope im wrong I truly do but without contact people can very easily come to the wrong conclusion.
prove me wrong, come up with the goods but dont ignore your customers.
have you recently won the lottery or something:naughty
I've also actually had a little negative experience while I was trying to buy a spear from Dave. I received an answere to my first email and then nothing else when I was asking for the price; tried to send another email and still nothing so what I did was to carry on to buy from my italian supplier once back home for holidays.
In another forum I actually already found a negative post about this same kind of stuff Conn4000, find another supplier.
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I know what you mean Dario going to try Seatec direct and complain as without an explanation and wanting seatec gear its all I can do.
just wanted to support uk business but Spearo are doing really well and dont need the business / money.....seems by my pm's others feel the same way and have had the same experience. I do not like airing this in public but it seems the only way to get this dudes attention going by older posts about his service doing a search on here this am.
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My recomendation has changed recently too. I will be going direct to suppliers
Posted via Mobile Device
Noticed this is on the website :)
Staff Holiday
Orders placed from now till 5th October will not
be despatched until 6th October at the earliest .
Moderators will probably close this

It's because of the forum rules: "Personal attacks are not tolerated".
We (the mods) hate to close, delete, edit or censor in any way. Just trying to keep it a fair game.
In this case, Conn, I see your explaining your points in a very civil and polite manner, and I may understand your point of view about the issue.
But, stated that Dave is on holiday until the 5th of october, I guess he won't be able to eventually answer your questions. For this reason, don't you think it's quite pointless to keep this dicussion going? We let it up to you.
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i too have had similar experiences with unanswered e mails much to my frustration as i was in and out of hospitol for a few weeks and still nothing?? and this was in early august:confused:
He does give good service but probably loses lots of customers because of the length of time he takes to reply, if atall. I consider that constructive and hopes he reads this.
Posted via Mobile Device
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And so is anyone supposed to go on complaining, in public, about a person who won't be able to reply until the 6th of october? Wow! Now that's clean! :naughty
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To balance up this debate, I've got to to say that I've never had anything but great service and advice from him.

Give him a chance to reply when he get back from his holidays.

He does give good service but probably loses lots of customers because of the length of time he takes to reply, if atall. I consider that constructive and hopes he reads this.
Posted via Mobile Device

Good service Spag, read that again.

And some constructive advice.

Yes thats clean.

See you on the 6th :)
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Hi Spag
many thanks for your reply and understanding I fully appreciate what you are saying.I am fully willing to wait and deal with this matter in private on Daves return
thanks for letting people know about the site message its unfortunate for me that it really does not apply to my order before that event and the refund given in his absence or before his holiday. lets leave it there ive made my point and learned a lesson.
Kind Regards
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As long as you keep it factual, rather than inflammatory, the staff don't have a problem. It's the kind of information that users to the site might reasonably expect to look for and find.

BTW Dave was mentioned in the Sunday Times last week: http://forums.deeperblue.com/784826-post98.html
same problem here ordered a few items on 8 september and no delivery yet! I have sent emails and tried the phone number with no response so i have asked to cancel my order by email - guess what no response?! and still waiting for a refund
sorry to here that rob joined the club eh Im sure Dave will refund you mate as he is impressive in regards that side of the business.....
dave if your reading any chance you can sort this out and give your customers a bit of respect :rcard
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