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Spearo/freediver gear storage

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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
Hi to all.
i'm doing some home improvements and i'll be having a space for my spearo stuff...
i'd like to know how do you store your stuff (spearguns, suits, fins, lines...)
pictures would be great!
i'm also curious how some user manage their stuff like miles, marwan, jon, Bill McIntyre... (and many other)

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Just started my organizing last week, will post a pic as soon as Im done.
So much to do so little time :)
marginatus said:
Hi to all.
i'm doing some home improvements and i'll be having a space for my spearo stuff...
i'd like to know how do you store your stuff (spearguns, suits, fins, lines...)
pictures would be great!
i'm also curious how some user manage their stuff like miles, marwan, jon, Bill McIntyre... (and many other)


the answer my friend is WITH DIFFICULTY!!! :) im really pushing it with the wife :), we have a small 2 bedroom flat at the moment, so basically i have 2 cupboards for all the wetsuits, guns as well as the scuba gear, i also have a big bag for spares and my stuff is not much compared to miles, i have ike 8 guns, i think miles has like 15 or something... i cant post a pic for security reasons rofl rofl, but i can advise this:
if you have the space, try and make a wall into a rack to hang the guns, also make a place to hang wetsuits (like a cupboard), a rack for fins (so that you could store them horizontally, and somewhere (could be the base of the wetsuit cupboard) to put things like knife, socks, gloves, weight belt, inflatabe float etc.... alternatively you coul make a rack to place the guns vertically.
I bought a house recently, and believe me i left the whole place on the blue print and just focused on a 2x4m room in the basement to put my stuff..rofl
ill probably fill it up too damn internet shopping!:crutch
cheers and good luck!
this is what i use...


has wheels, is fairly light and is practically indestructible :)
I have a whole top floor to myself so my stuff is stored neatly all over my bedroom floor and the left and right side of the bathroom door and some on top of a cabinet and some under and some in the way to trip over every now and then, also some in the bath tub from yesterday and some in the shower hehe... but i like it neat like that... for example now as im typing i could slightly move one eyeball away from the screen and feel fuzzy as i can see one of my guns leaning on my dresser and gear everywhere hehe.. feels nice :)

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I keep most of my gear in a big hallway closet. kinda sad, but that's apt. living. one of my spearguns gets special treatment though, sleeps with it's louder brothers :D


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Store it wherever you want, but make sure it's a dry place (and preferably dark). When you quit it in winter, months of wet air can damage many of the materials your gear is made of (newprene, rubber, aluminium et cetera).

Wetsuits are hanging in the garage!! Pretty difficult to keep them in the house, as they tend to smell a bit after lots of use!!rofl

Guns are hanging on racks in the front room of the house. Since most of my friends are either fisherman or spearo's, it only makes sense to display your guns where they can be appreciated by all!!:D:D ps. some guns were being cleaned up and is therefor not in the pic!!


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Four words: Shelves and Storage Bins!

I keep most everything in the garage. My wife lets me keep some things in my hobby room like guns, camera equipment, special wetsuits, and any brand new things that I am tinkering with.

It's all kind of a mess right now, but Colin still hasn't shown up to help me organize it all like he promised six months ago!



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thank you all
looks like some of you have a gear store!

note: feel sorry for myself :p

Island_sands... can a civilian buy those cases?

please keep it coming (the posts with pictures)
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When your garage, and everything else, gets so full of other junk than there is no room for diving gear, start thinking outside the box. (Won't be long for you, Jim) We have an outside bathroom, designed to serve the lanai/pool that doesn't get much use. I recently added lots of shelves and moved the boat stuff and everybodys diving gear into this space. Wetsuits still stay where it is cool, but everthing else is in the bath.

jimdoe2you said:
It's all kind of a mess right now, but Colin still hasn't shown up to help me organize it all like he promised six months ago!


I'm hoping to relocate to Titusville for some more training next summer, don;t worry, I'll druive down and help you sort it out :D
marginatus said:
thank you all
looks like some of you have a gear store!

note: feel sorry for myself :p

Island_sands... can a civilian buy those cases?

please keep it coming (the posts with pictures)

for sure! you can order them online, do a search on "military footlockers" or "plastic footlockers" ....
Why do I get the odd feeling that some of the members here has waaayyy too much gearrofl rofl
Amphibious, whats your favourite caliber rifle?
I have a trusty 270, the trajectory carries with a bit of a arc on long shots but its a good all round gun and went on many a happy hunting trip :)
Hey jimdoe2you, it seems you could easily raise a million bucks from a garage sale ;)
This is really embarrassing after seeing all those special racks, etc. for gear. But since my name was mentioned, I guess I should fess up and show how my gear is stored.

You are looking at one side of my garage with a weight machine partially obscuring the view.

Under the work bench, just to the right of that orange container of hand cleaner, is a Rob Allen black mesh bag with silver stripe that contains my mask, fins, knife, booties, and other small gear. To the right of that on the floor is a weight belt.

On top of the bench among all the debris is a blue canvass bag that contains clothing that I take on the boat, along with the camera, fishing license, various drugs (legal of course), sun glasses, etc.

At the right end of the bench in a small space between the bench and a storage cabinet, you can see a speargun. The others are leaning behind it.

The wet suits usually hang on a rafter overhead, but I placed one on the weight lifting machine just to be complete.

Of course I do have a boat, and it has things like floats, float lines, pony bottles and scuba regulator, and miscellaneous other junk. As a general rule, I try to bring home the stuff that I would absolutely need if invited to go out on someone else's boat.

I feel so ashamed to have exposed myself as the slob that I truly am, but I am resolved to do better in the future (or at least the distant future). :)


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My biggest storage concern was my wetsuit; HOW to store it without folds, or stress from hanging? I finally managed to clear enough room on a shelf in my closet, and it now lays FLAT on that shelf, with the top and bottom each in it's own bag. Not that it stays stored for long, since I'm in the pool with it training once a week! :D As for my fins? They're at the foot of my bed! lol

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