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Spearo rituals

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Leagues Deep
Dec 28, 2008
I wonder if i am the only person who zones out to techno before i go for a long day of diving.

for that matter....

Do you all have any interesting rituals you partake in prior to a day spearing?

please share...

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I drink 2 bottles of water, 2 cups of coffee, a diet Mt. Dew, a sugar free redbull, then shoot alot of Afrin up my nose, all while listening to Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb on repeat. I realize that this is not common practice but it works well for me.
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I also like to listen to music in the car on the way. Usually something heavy, but I guess it should be something peaceful. Afterall we supposed to be calm in the water and not let the fish on to what we are about to do (to them) other than that maybe a scratch of my b#lls before I put my wettie on.
My ritual:

The night before the big dive: I check the tides, and winds again and again every 5mins! I start watching spearfishing clips on youtube. and I will wake up by myself at 3 or 4am without even setting up the alarm....

On the way to the dive site (2hrs of drive with 1hrs of offroading): I have to listen to my favorite rock bands: Mix of Creed, Stained, Linkin Park, some metal; nightwish, epica, depeche mode etc...

Just before hitting the water: I sms my lady and tell her Im getting ready to hit the water, and will drink a bottle of Gatorade or Pocari Sweat (Ion supply) - I will not have eaten anything since the night before.

Right after the dive: I have to get my strawberry milk, springles chips & a coca cola zero or diet seven up (that's after being like 5-6hrs in the water). Pile up the fish, take photos, throw everything in the back of my truck, and start heading back.

On the way back: Call my madame, tell her about the dive & catch, and on the way stop by Subway (healthy fast-food restaurant) and grab a 6'' Tuna or chicken breast sandwish.

Arrive home: A 3hrs nap, and the evening is for my madame. I have to make it up for being absent during our weekend :)

And this routine is starting on saturday :D :D :D
I drink 2 bottles of water, 2 cups of coffee, a diet Mt. Dew, a sugar free redbull

Man that's hell amount of caffeine! How do you manage with your breath-hold?

I go caffeine free at least 12hrs before the dive!
I forgot to mention,
I normally ride my bicycle to the river mouth (5mins) to have a look at the water/ size of the waves. This allows me to chose my spot depending on the waves or what fish I want. 5min. ride home then pack my stuff then 10- 20 mins. by car depending on what spot I decide on. I'm not into the caffine thing really, but I do like to have a cup of tea in my thermos, and maybe a banana as well. I dont normally check tides etc. doesn't really affect me either way, but I do like to sit in my car for a while and watch the water before entering, don't know why but I like to.
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The only ritual I have before a dive is taking a big, deep breath!

No idea why but I do it EVERY time!

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i usually to take two puffs , then pass.helps to slow the heart. kinda slows EVERYTHING down a little.
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every time i go spearfishing, i have butterflyes in my stomac...an easy state of emotions...
i' rather a "hurry up' kinda guy...
my spearo sessions are mainly in the early morning and in the late afternoon
a medium coffe wit a cigaret is fair ennough for me...i don't listen music before any dive, i prefer the silence
after getting out of the water, i let my weight belt on the shore and light a cigaret and drink some water or beer...if the sea is good i go to annother session of spearo
Most important ritual, Light dinner the night before, coffee when i wake up, USE BATHROOM! (i like to be light in the water :)) then drink a bottle of water before jumping in..
after done with fishing if we caught something big, i always call a buddy of mine to tease the hell out of him for having missed it (and someone always misses it :) )
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Strange, interesting thread. Surprised that so many breath hold divers smoke before hand - but I guess it's all about lack of oxygen:D
I take a leak in my wetsuit as soon as Im ready to get in the water :)
roflScott, you really didn't need to share that. ;)
I drink 2 bottles of water, 2 cups of coffee, a diet Mt. Dew, a sugar free redbull, then shoot alot of Afrin up my nose, all while listening to Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb on repeat. I realize that this is not common practice but it works well for me.
Sugar-free Mountain Dew & Red Bull? Caffeine but not sugar.:hmm I drink a lot of tea & coffee at work, so I usually have a cup of tea and a cup of coffee (no sugar) before I go - keeps me alert during the drive. Milk contributes to sea sickness so perhaps I should forego the milk too -- or perhaps follow your example and hit the Mountain Dew & Red Bull:D.

I usually make an effort to hyrate the day before, with water/tea/coffee. They say coffee is a diuretic but I lived on it for a couple of years after leaving college, so I must have adapted to it:). I start packing too, bag the spearguns & rod, all vital equipment packed.

My ritual has become: wake-up shower, close shave (to help mask seal), swim trunks on (saves time), egg & bacon breakfast (for endurance & to help avoid sea sickness), multi-vitamin/mineral tablet (if I think about it) for a boost of electrolytes, finish packing the car (ice packs from the freezer, water bottles, thin shopping bags for fish & any bait go into the ice box, make a flask of tea or coffee, fill another flask with warm tap water for the wetsuit), visualization check to help avoid forgetting critical gear, make sandwiches if I have time, for post-dive. Often I decide location on the drive down.

I don't like to be distracted when gearing up, lest I forget something vital (it does happen). At this point it feels like a race to get in the water a.s.a.p. - quite exciting/focused. Loo (wash hands), sup of water/coffee/tea. Lube up, suit on, knife on, belt on - check bag, fins, gun. I leave my shoes, el cheapo dive bag & a small water bottle somewhere "safely" on the beach. At the waters edge I try to temper my enthusiasm and calm down. Gloves on, check beaver tail done-up, inflate float, clip float-line in to float & gun, hood up, spit in mask & rinse in the sea, mask on, snorkel in, fins on & off we go. Once in, load up quietly and check for close-in fish -- surprised how often there are some.

On return, the routine is: deal with any fish/crabs, unpack rinse the gear and leave it to dry (hard work when you are tired :(), nap:).

Right after the dive: I have to get my strawberry milk, springles chips & a coca cola zero or diet seven up (that's after being like 5-6hrs in the water). ...
After dive food drink has been a bit hit or miss for me in the past. I've started taking a sandwich and a piece of fruit and maybe a Penguin choc. biscuit or granola bar to replenish glycogen. But a packet of crisps (or 2) [Am.E. salty potato chips] is really appealing post-dive -- probably craving salt. I tried original Lucozade after the last trip. I don't usually buy fizzy soda pop but Lucozade seemed to slip down without fuss, it is not over-sweet and the flavour is more subtle than I expected/remembered (last time I had it was probably 40 years ago, when sick:D).
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I visualise and meditate on fish, and where fish might be. Helps me stay positive and occupies my mind with things other than fears I have of the sea. My girlfriend often says I'm very distant before I go in the water. Probably as a result of my "zoning-in" and trying to turn on my primordial hunting instincts.
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Pissed myself laughing! The perfect answer!
If I was a teacher you get a gold star!
:martialI like to grab the nearest holiday maker, and say" There coming, they've found us, they can read our minds, run, save yourself!" Then disappear into the ocean. lol!:t
I like it Caisa!

Me well its:
- wake up at 9am, light breky with decaf
- go to loo (the whole thing is so automatic I have a guaranteed result ;)
- throw my stuff out of door onto terrace
- boil kettle of water for suit lube (to hell with vascoconstriction!)
- get naked on terrace, moon my family sitting in the front room
- suit up
- ask wife if my backpack harnes weight is on upside down
- off i go!

come back 2 to 3 hours later, shout from ocean up to terrace: big wave = bring scales and camera down, no wave, just come down and help the poor freezing bu**er up to the house

- clean fish in ocean
- walk up and remove crap minus wetsuit bottoms
- squidge down to shower
- jump in, de-frost and remove wetsuit bottoms

then a nice lunch and snooze!

what a life! wish it were every day
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For me:

-Minimum 5- 6 hours of sleep or no diving at all to avoid cramps and early fatigue.
-Watch spearing/freediving video in You Tube night before for inspirations
-Prepare my stuff before going to sleep.
-Wake up 0430, shave, pee and poop.
-Drink some water.
-Take a cab to dive spot
-Toothpaste my mask then spit on it to make hassle free from fog.
-Then dive and dive again.
-Rinse my gears after dive.
-Do the laundry:blackeye
-Go to work:head


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My ritual... I start watching spearfishing clips on youtube. and I will wake up by myself at 3 or 4am without even setting up the alarm....

On the way to the dive site (2hrs of drive with 1hrs of offroading): I have to listen to my favorite rock bands: Mix of Creed, Stained, Linkin Park, some metal; nightwish, epica, depeche mode etc...
on the way stop by Subway (healthy fast-food restaurant) and grab a 6'' Tuna or chicken breast sandwish.

Arrive home: A 3hrs nap, and the evening is for my madame...
Youtube - great idea. I bought a Georgio Dapiran DVD last year (it's v. good) and used to love watching and listening to it - it's in Italian, which I don't understand, but I find it quite musical/evocative. I'd forgotten all about it this year -- I should probably take a refresher look.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-0DFKlWfmk]YouTube - Georgio Dapiran[/ame]

Jeez you have an even longer (and harder) drive than me. Subway - wow, they get around (all over the US, not uncommon in the UK either) - tuna or chicken breast are my favourites too, on wholewheat :p
I dance naked to Britney Spears then cover myself in marmite and slip into something more comfortable....I then light a candle at my shrine to Podge and neck a bottle of vodka. I then wake up and realise I am just a forum freak who never dives anyomore other than in Guernsey! :friday
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