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Spearo rituals

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Yup! Ritual was slightly different today (Im hitting the water in less than 4hrs) (its 1am right now here and will not get a single minute of sleeping!!!). Getting ready to leave now (at my partner's place right now listening to music and we were playing xbox360 - left4dead) and we need at least 2hrs of driving to our diving site (including 1hr of harsh desert offroad driving)... Will be back by around 11am and will post pix (after the permission of the original thread starter if he doesn't mind).

I'm a big fan of Giorgio Dapiran. When I'm spearfishing I often try and visualise his style especially the way he interprets his underwater surroundings. Some of his shots defy logic in terms of accuracy and range.

Beside the obvious- packing gear, driving etc, the only thing I can think of is that I start slowing down everything I do once I pull up to the site in my van. Same as when I get ready for a run... slow down, be thankful and reverent.
Reactions: Mr. X and Lazuli
i havent heard anyone mention flossing their teeth.plus i have heard a bunch of people mention taking dumps, but so far NONE of you have mentioned washing your hands after.? and with the amount of detail in these stories i dont think it was missed. shame on all you. i will not be diving with any of YOU, any time soon!!!

I have a cup of espresso coffee on the way to the divespot and smoke a cigarette just before getting dressed.
The "funny" thing is that I'm not a smoker (not anymore: smoke is bad, smoke is wrong, smoke is stupid) but for sure I was a smoker when I started spearfishing in 1988.
I got addicted to this pre-dive ritual, I've ALWAYS followed this "protocol" through the years, and it would bring me bad luck if I had to skip over the ritual: I've got to drink that espresso and I've got to smoke that cigarette, just to keep the evil spirits away.
That's why it's called a ritual.
Ah one more thing: on my way to the divespot I don't tell anybody that I'm going to spearfish, and if anybody ask me I say no.
roflI ALWAYS wash my hands, like 50% of the male population (UK & USA)* . Bit more hit & miss on the flossing I'm afraid though

I'm a big fan of Giorgio Dapiran. When I'm spearfishing I often try and visualise his style especially the way he interprets his underwater surroundings. Some of his shots defy logic in terms of accuracy and range.
UKSpearo posted some excellent youtubes links of one of his friends in Sussex (possibly on the Sussex 2009 thread?) a week or 2 ago. The diver took what looked like a particularly small bass in a cave - then I read the title 10lb bass! He apparently took the shot at some range with his RA 90, which made the huge bass look quite small. Impressive shot. Georgio does too of course.
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Coffee in the morn, I will have a cup of oatmeal (no milk as it creates gas, and if I fart in my suit, well then I have an air bubble in my suit!
Hit the beach, unpack get ready all the while visualizing the dives, my heart rate etc.
Dive 5 or 6 hours, head home. And Mr.X, we all tke leaks in our suits wheather we admit it or not!! lol especially during the colder months when you can turn the inside of your wet suit into a personal jacuzzi! lol
Reactions: Mr. X
Somehow I managed to stop pissing in my suit years ago
Reactions: Mr. X
I havnt been spearing too long so havnt got many rituals.... but i do my gear in the same way everytime. The only thing ive found is if I really want to catch something .... i dont

"They say coffee is a diuretic but I lived on it for a couple of years after leaving college, so I must have adapted to it"

Coffee is only a diuretic if you drink excessive amounts of it, I use coffee to hydrate as well and its fine, if you drink too much water its a diuretic as well amusingly. So coffee is fine really.
Hey Pad, No worries man, before u know it youll be posting a pic on here of ur catch, patience pays mate..
1. Check weather, wind and tide online
2. Get second opinion on wind direction
3. Get third opinion on wind direction
4. Check wave buoys
5. Check webcams
6. Drink loads of water
7. Pack gear
8. Drive miles and miles to sea stopping on route for a pee because of (6.)
9. Park car, jump out, run and look at sea
10. Hide speargun and casually ask passing fishermen, scuba divers etc what the viz is like and what fish are around
11. Get kitted up and head for wherever the fisherman say there are no fish
10. Hide speargun and casually ask passing fishermen, scuba divers etc what the viz is like and what fish are around
11. Get kitted up and head for wherever the fisherman say there are no fish

... And Mr.X, we all take leaks in our suits wheather we admit it or not!! lol especially during the colder months when you can turn the inside of your wet suit into a personal jacuzzi! lol
Hey I said nothing about leaking in the suit. The discussion was on #2s - definitely best not done in the suit.
Somehow I managed to stop pissing in my suit years ago
Yeah right, of course you did. I bet your poo doesn't smell either [Sorry, couldn't resist]

[Suggestion for new members with time to kill: search forum for discussion on pissettes.]

I didn't drink water for 2 years. I suddenly realised one day when evaluating my single young man's diet, that I had drunk only tea, coffee and beer (all supposedly diuretics) for the last 2 years - mainly instant coffee & tea. Can't have been too bad as I was super-fit at the time climbing a lot, running, a little cycling, weights, circuit training. Low fat, high fibre, high protein diet (fibre was fashionable at the time). I still drink lots of tea & coffee but I drink the odd glass of water now too.
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Reactions: scottwilson
I eat a banana and drink lots of water to cure my hangover before I go diving.I then go to my friends house and bang on the windows till he wakes up.Finally I also try to not fall out of the boat.
Reactions: scottwilson
Wow. When i posted that thread i didnt expect such a great response. They are all similar in thier obscurity. I think that is what makes all spearos great anyhow. Thanks everyone for sharing. Keep them coming!



Also i vaugely remember someone wanted to post some pictures for some reason or another. Thats fine by me.
I never shave off my goatee until it is the moment to leave the house for the trip
I start days before the trip wearing my fish shirts. Then in the wee hours of the morning as I just come home from work and wifie is all tucked in and asleep I fondle my gear and talk to my guns. I check and recheck the tide, viz and wind info. Mentally go over everything I might need (some of which I'll forget--but it's bad luck to write a list). Apneaboy if you comment on this one I'll tell'em all how many feet your girlfriend has. :t
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I got to
wifie is all tucked in and asleep I fondle my gear

and I thought 'i'm going to have to comment on this one'


Just for that I won't though.

p.s. you probably didn't get up to the bedroom to check, you wouldn't have got past my new gun and neoprene.

All very strange if you ask me, do you live near a nuclear power plant where that sort of thing is a thing to check?, anyway i must move on
Reactions: agbiv
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