I'm thinking of replacing my spearo wetsuit sometime over the next year or so. While I like the simple robustness & security of the traditional "beaver-tail" crotch-strap on the jacket, I find it can keep my crotch rather too warm. For men at least, this is after all the area that the body has evolved specifically for keeping cool - without getting into too much high-school anatomy
I wondered if any forum members are already using a jacket that velcros to the dive pants, rather than using a "beaver-tail" crotch-stap & "frog"-toggle(s), and what they think of this set up. [I guess I am expecting people to say "don't do it" but I find my open-cell jacket rarely moves, even if I forget to do the strap up].
I wondered if any forum members are already using a jacket that velcros to the dive pants, rather than using a "beaver-tail" crotch-stap & "frog"-toggle(s), and what they think of this set up. [I guess I am expecting people to say "don't do it" but I find my open-cell jacket rarely moves, even if I forget to do the strap up].
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