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Special Ops Low-Viz Scuba Team

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Certified SCUBA Rider
May 7, 2002
If you want to dive, do it in style.:cool:

These pics were taken while fixing pressure probes to the piles under bridge piers in esturies that are being studied as part of a MSc thesis.
The hard hats were to keep from banging our heads on the bottom of the pile cap.:head

this was the freakiest dive in my life. the viz was about 30cm in the torchlight. because we were working under the pilecaps, it was pitch black, and where the torch shone the silt made the water look orangy red. added to this was the thunder of traffic across the bridge above us.

decending down between the piles, i had to keep saying to myself "there are no longer crocs in this river" , "no zambi (bull shark) has made it into the estury" and " there is no troll"

but besides the background, i thought that the pics were a laugh.
dont we look sexy:eek:


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i gave up on my hard hat. it kept on filling with bubbles and screwing up my bouyancy.


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the second bridge


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You looked..................................................rofl

well I hoped you had fun:D
Whats the knife for? :D

A very sexy look Griff, not too sure if I'd let you near our bridges but....;)
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