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Spetton Digital Camo vs Mares Instinct Camo

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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C. carcharias

Top Predator
Mar 25, 2008
Hello to all, I am looking to get a get a new wet suit in the $200 range, and the two that I zeroed onto are the 5mm Spetton green digital camo and 5.5mm Mares instinct camo. The spetton has "gold termic" coating on the inside, which should make it a bit warmer and also easier to put on and take off, but the mares is a 5.5 so i am guessing they should be about the same warmth, am I right? The mares is suppose to have this "eos" system which apparently makes it easier to take off (maybe one of the mares reps can tell more about this system...) I know mares make excellent diving stuff, so I am pretty certain the quality of the suit will be very good, and I love their camo print :inlove I don't know much about spetton, I know one of their reps is a member here on the forum maybe he would shed some more light onto this subject. I know it's mostly a matter of personal preference, and it would be best for me to try on both suits, but I am pretty sure I won't be able to find the spetton in the dive stores around where I live, I might have more luck with the mares, so your opinions will be greatly appreciated.
Personally i prefer "bare" open cell neoprene for the inside rather than any gold or titanium coating. Here's why my vote goes to the Mares suit.
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Hello to all, I am looking to get a get a new wet suit in the $200 range, and the two that I zeroed onto are the 5mm Spetton green digital camo and 5.5mm Mares instinct camo. The spetton has "gold termic" coating on the inside, which should make it a bit warmer and also easier to put on and take off, but the mares is a 5.5 so i am guessing they should be about the same warmth, am I right? The mares is suppose to have this "eos" system which apparently makes it easier to take off (maybe one of the mares reps can tell more about this system...) I know mares make excellent diving stuff, so I am pretty certain the quality of the suit will be very good, and I love their camo print :inlove I don't know much about spetton, I know one of their reps is a member here on the forum maybe he would shed some more light onto this subject. I know it's mostly a matter of personal preference, and it would be best for me to try on both suits, but I am pretty sure I won't be able to find the spetton in the dive stores around where I live, I might have more luck with the mares, so your opinions will be greatly appreciated.

Hi thanks for dropping me the note about your post. Well unfortunately I'm not going to be able to offer much information about the suits nor the entire spearfishing / freediving line, yet. I have a meeting 4/15 with our team, at which point we will be introducing the new line, and discussing how we will launch it. I'm afraid I don't even know what EOS stands for. I can tell you this suit will be available in N. America, not all will.

As soon as I know more, I will be happy to tell all that are interested. I know there is some discussion about our new guns in another thread. I'm stolked some of you are showing interest in our new products. We've been planning this new line and the direction of our spearfishing / freediving category for a long time. It is exciting for me to finally begin the actual "launch" of our products.

Best to all,
Good luck Zak.
What comforts me about the new Mares spearfishing line is the high profile of the persons who have been working out the products.
The product manager Luca Limongi is himself a competitive spearfisher, who's been for many years one of the Top 20 italian spearos. Also the chief of the field-testing squad, Paolo Capucciati, is an ex member of our national team, and he's considered a real master of the sport.
Of course the liking of products will depend on personal preference, but those two guys are top chaps and I'm sure they made a good job in designing and testing the gear.
For myself I've ordered the new Mares "Apnea" float. I'll post a review soon as I manage to get it wet.
Again, good luck Zak with your new "mission".
Thanks for the input guys. Zak make sure to keep us posted as you get more info on the whole line! The guns look very interesting as well, I am also looking to get a gun and have posted in the "mares is back" thread, it would be good to read some reviews once somebody tries out some of their guns, by the way do you guys know what guns the phantom is being compared to in those tests shown on the mares website? But yeah, as spagh said the people working behind these products make it a very promising line, good luck with everything Zak!
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