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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Apr 24, 2003
Im interested to hear peoples views on Freediving and Spirituality.

Every freediver knows the Jaques Mayol and Enzo Morialis both had their own spirtual reasons for diving. thou Mayols may seem to be more scientific, to him it was still spiritual. Even todays Greats focus a large part of their training on the spiritual side, like of course umberto.

I know ive had some experinces that could only be described as spiritual. Diving with a tiger shark one of the worlds greatest predators. But even little things can be spirtual in their own way. I have a wood and silver cross that i found in the med about ten years ago that i keep everywhere with me. That was one of my first real experinces of the underwater world and so means a lot to me.

I am interested what freediving means to you. I understand its a very broad question but one i think is important.


only when a soul is surounded by blue can he see the rainbow
God gave me a huge pool to play in with lots of good eating creatures to hunt. Thank you Jesus .

Reactions: Jon
Hi Ali

Very difficult as I think free-diving means something different to everyone. I know people who are only interested in how deep they can dive. It's about PB's and records. For me, it's now the excitement of learning something totally new, and the challenge of trying to become completely comfortable in the ocean, and also the challenge of increasing cardio fitness required , and the mental 'calm' required, to be always able to improve your apnea.

I am a newbie to freediving, but I have a 'feel' for the sport from a similar approach to my other sports.

I have written a poem which hopefully some of the free-divers may enjoy, I have called it 'Back to the light'.

There's a special place in a deep blue space,
where instinct and peace become one.
As the meter's glide by below fading light from the sky,
it's perfect silence, the slowing heart, a vanishing sun.

"Why" they will ask, their expressions vague.
"The dark, and the pressure. Whats the goal"?
The answers are personel, as he returns back to the light.
The joy of apnea, a moment in the ocean...locked in the soul.

the meaning of freediving to me

Freediving is my everything, besides my Fianc'e, and Christ. I think about it every day, but not just on how deep I'm gonna go, but the whole experince. I love the embracement of simplicity, and I think it gose hand and hand with religion. I like the feeling of weightless ness, gliding through the water in silence. If some one were to give me 30 mill., but I would have to give up freediving, with out a single doubt I would say no. I belive that Christ has guided me to this wonderful sport, and way of life.

Thanks be to God.

Reactions: w3ac
I can't say that freediving is a spiritual experience in as much as it is a reminder of the Creator of the enviroment I'm in. I've had wonderful experiences while freediving and have seen things that have totally captivated me and left me with a feeling of awe. Just the act of freediving puts you closer to these things than any other activity I know. At this level you have to be careful though. It's easy to feel like now you're "in touch" with that fish or dolphin or the sea itself. Just remember, worship the Creator not the creation. As others here have said I thank God for the opportunities that I've been given and that we have been given this alien enviroment to explore and enjoy. I've had some great experiences and have met some great people along the way but the best is yet to come.
Reactions: w3ac
I used freediving as an excuse to skip sundays with the happy "love jesus" crowd. spent my sundays at the beach.

I'll say that freediving for ME has to do with personal sprituality and "soul searching", but NOTHING to do with religion of any kind.


EDIT: the "ME" that should have been added long before some people decided to jump on the blame-wagon.
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It was a personal question on what freediving ment to ME!! And I gave a personal answer.
I guess I'll never do that agine. since you have all the answers.

Take It Easy

Guys lets take it easy on this. As it is it's a touchy subject to alot of people. People have stated THEIR personal opinions and feelings here. If you don't agree then so be it, but lets keep it a little toned down, OK. 'Nuff said.
Reactions: Stephan Whelan
Look there we have it. As soon as someone mentions "religion" people get worked up :duh

I say screw religion and try to be happy and treat your fellow man and animal nice.
I don't know what to belive, but I do belive that religion and taking one self serious is the starter of wars and is stupid. When I get to selfobsorbed I go to the sea and realise how insignificant I am, I mean hell I have seen clams more worthy than me. That's the spirit of the sea to me, I mean nothing to the ecuation out there. At best i'm a crab meal.

That's what make me truly enjoy the sea and it's spirit, it makes me think, and it makes me relax in dealing with everyday problems. Stop arguing please and take a swim.

I'm sorry for getting so offended, so quickly maybe I replied to early in the morning. every one has their own relasionship with the water, and I absolutly respect all of them. diversity is what makes a thing like freediving so great! I think that I might have mis juged a reply, and felt it was directed personaly to me.

I think my gills are getting dry, and I do need a swim.

Once agine I'm very sorry.

Reactions: Erik and Pezman
It's all cool Dan.

Besides this is what it's all about

Photo by Cliff Etzel
Depending on my mood, I change the way I feel about my freediving.

Some times I'll just do it for fun, and not even think, just play and dive a lot of shallow depths.

Other times it will be a spirtual journey into somewhere I belong, long slow dives, spending more time in my mind than in the water

and other times it will the macho me, and push as hard and as deep as I can without thinking...

Exactly herman..

and if someone gave me 30 mill i would vow never to look at the ocean again even...

hi ,
I agree with the fact that it(s a personnal meaning and even if I am a newbie I think that we did all begun for a reason. it can be God or just an other kind of feeling. Let's just say it's the love of the sea.
Just enjoy diving and the feeling you're getting from it will become clear, no matter how you call it.

bluecape, you're a real poet to me

As a Friend of Bill W.'s.....

I've learned that my serenity is directly proportionate to my concious contact with my Higher Power whom I choose to call God.

When I take that step into the water and down the food chain, I am forced to rely on H-P, my Buddies and The Process. My Ego is taken out of the equation.

The ONLY way I could be here to talk about this is with the help of H-P.

Expect a miracle. I am one.

Dive safe
Reactions: icarus pacific

Nice to see a bit of tolerance in the world

A person's thoughts and beliefs are one thing neither man nor law can seize, and what ever guise that faith takes, one religion or the next, or even just faith in yourself, it is a persons own and should be treated, accepted, and respected as such.

Worry about your own motivations in life I say, and if they are happy in theirs, leave em to it. Besides, we all start life gurgling and pissing in our pants, and if we live long enough, usually go the same way, so what the heck, let's go diving and enjoy the time in between.

Nearly forgot I dive for fun, and sometimes supper, no more no less. I'm sure we all enjoy each dive in different ways, each as much an individual experience, as the individual experiencing it. (tongue twister )

Just my view on the matter and if anyone is daft enough to take offence, sorry


Hi Ali,
Interesting Thread, and wonderful posts....isn't it amazing that once we try to articulate what the experience means to us, we can't do it?
It seems to take us beyond our ability to express what it means, not a bad thing
Hmmm, what does it mean to me?
...........Reconnection with the Infinite.
And considering that, perhaps that's why some aspire to explore the heavens.
No surprise that while swimming solo, I'm often praying!
Go figure!

*By the way, for those of you with kids, Madeline L'Engle wrote a great book, Ring of Bright Water, about a child's encounters with dolphins while swimming in the depths....and of course her experiences would best be described as very spiritual. One of my daughters' favorite books

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Re: Spirituality....

Originally posted by OceanSwimmer
It seems to take us beyond our ability to express what it means, not a bad thing


Indeed as fellow wordsmith and Sandbagger extrordinaire Jay will attest to. Some of my best experiences were by my lonesome (as far as having a physical buddy around.)
But all the while I'm out and down there, I'm not alone.

There is the beating of my heart, the clicking of shrimp and urchins and the thrum of my prey, but even beyond that, if I really, really listen, and it doesn't come often to me except down there, there is the sound of affirmation and and love and life. And whomever is supplying that, that is my ally in life.

I agree with you guys there is some kind of amazing things happening when I am in the Blue...it is kind of magic hearing the small noises and awaiting for a mermaid encounter!
But must of all I believe it all comes from within, from the "here and now", and mama Gaia is just making it happen...
It is so cool we all share it in different ways...
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