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sporasub elite mask tinted or mirrored??

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jamaican spearo

New Member
Jan 7, 2006
hi all anyone here have any info/feedback on these masks would really like to know if there mirrored or tinted plus any other info thanks.
i have the mirrored samurai elite, its a good mask IF the waters in your area are very clear. if not dont get it as it tebds to darken things a bit. i didnt really feel the advantag of being mirrored in the actual hunt, its not like fish dont move away when youre there. i moved my preferences to large visibility instead of very low volume masks, i normally dont go beyond 15m so volme doesnt make much difference, i got the new cressi penta, it has side windows and big lenses and still low volume, i love it
thanks for the reply.so i guess its more like a tinted mask.i need a low volume mask as most of my diving is done in 50-80 ft.thanks for your input.
50-80 ft is 15-20m so again i wouldnt recommend that you focus solely on low volume, check other posts on maks in the search function, you will find tons of information on masks.