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Sporasub Footpockets Availability

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Drying up inland...
Aug 28, 2002
Does anyone know where I might be able to get a pair of Sporasub 42-44 footpockets? Most people are out of them and the one store that I have found is asking ~$45 each pocket:naughty . I was under the impression that they ran 45-55 per pair. I searched quite a bit last evening but came up w/ nothing. The DB Stoe has only 40-42 and will not be getting anymore in.

Thanks in advance-
If that is the 9-11 pocket I do know were 1 is, I ordered the 7-9 from my LDS and Sporasub sent one in the wrong size. e-mail me and I will put you in touch with my LDS in Ft Lauderdale

I know it's a long way away but try these guys http://www.rowandsreef.com/ I bought a pair of them there last year and Jean Mecheal has a pretty good supply of foot pockets and blades in stock. I'm not sure about price and you'll also have to concider the cost of shipping.
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