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Sporasub HD Elite & instinct Fins

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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AKA Not So Newbie Anymore
Jan 28, 2008

Just wondering if anyone hasused the sporasu HD Elite or the Instinct fins and also what is the difference between the 2? I've read some where about the rounded tip not being that great as it can make the fin slide? Any feed back would be great.
No the rounded tip is no problem and they're very good fins for the price. The HD Elite has changeable blades (black= stiff, blue=light, green=medium) while the Instinct have fixed blades of medium stiffness only.
Since they're clearing off Sporasub gear (Mares group has taken over the brand) you can find them very cheap in Europe, 40 to 50 euro a pair (so don't pay more!)
T've used Elite hrad version and they were my first freediving fins...No i'm using Gara 300 and i have to admit that Elite are very "old fashioned" fins..i mean the footpocket was awful- very stiff and not anatomical...the blade was extremely hard and it looks like a piece of plastic connected to the footpocket..but as they were my first fins they weren't so bad, especially thanks to the changable blade:D Cheerse
No the rounded tip is no problem and they're very good fins for the price. The HD Elite has changeable blades (black= stiff, blue=light, green=medium) while the Instinct have fixed blades of medium stiffness only.
Since they're clearing off Sporasub gear (Mares group has taken over the brand) you can find them very cheap in Europe, 40 to 50 euro a pair (so don't pay more!)

Hi there, can you tell me a good website to get these fins the Sporasub Elite (green) as i seem to be having trouble finding anywhere.

Many thanks
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