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sporasub viper 2pc suit 7mm

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Advanced Open Water Diver
Aug 11, 2005
okay yea so i got my first actual freediving/apnea suit.

now, let me also include its my first 7mm thick suit.

it is two peices, and uses a beaver tail to hold the pants on.
anyways, i just got it yesterday, and i can put the pants on fine, same with the top piece. this is putting them on without being lubricated with soap or water.

now , taking the top peice off while its dry is like hell. I need someone to help pull it off me because of how thick it is, i can get it up to when my arms are aimed strait up and the bottom of the suit is arround my nipples but after that its all over and i need help.

think its so hard to take off because its dry?
also do u think the fact that is is 7mm thick also make it harder to take off by yourself?

the pants come off fine by the way.

so, tell me, am i just looking to deep into it, and it will soon "break in" and slide off fine?
I can't be of that much help since I never put one of those two piece suits on (I'm suppose to get my elios suit on Jan. 15:)) but heres a link to the instructions found on the elios site. They suggest using lubrication so that might do the trick.


Best of luck

oh man u have no idea how much help this really is.

i put it on wrong too, i put it on like im putting on a tshirt.

when it ake it off i lift up as if im taking off a tshirt
i had the wrong idea.

this will help alot im sure. i see what i was doing wrong, i was pulling it up to my chest so my arms would be trapped.

LUBE!! You will destroy the suit in no time without it.
Erik Y.
bro... just use it...

get a cheap conditioner or shampoo, what I do is the following... I hold the bottom part of the feet shut with my left hand and fill with water (not that much) through the hip, then I add the conditioner and shake real well so the thing goes too all the pant... then I let the conditioner out falling on my legs so they get lubed too... then I gently stroke the pants upwards.

With the upper piece I plug the head and both hands shut with one hand and fill with water... add conditioner... shake shake... let the thing loose onto my head and arms... then first goes the head... then one arm.. then the other...
