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Spring Tides

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Jul 3, 2009
Just wondering if anybody could give some info on what the spring tides might bring this evening? - anything in particular a beginner should look out for? I am on the south devon coast and having taken my first tasty bass home last week I am now addicted..
Strong currents ;)
Just starting myself and what I've noticed especially if there's wind in the same direction that the currents can be quite strong. Obviously this is more prominent between islands etc but can still be quite strong in open water.

I did notice today that there were larger pollack amongst the shoal today and I'm wondering if it's to doo with the greater tide, that I'm further out or the reduced visibilty.
Only repeated fishing of the area may give some indictation.

Word is that the springs bring out th elarger congers but they're best avoided.

Bet O luck:)

the swell was up but we took a swim anyway, terrible vis, my buddy caught a fleeting glimpse of some bass but that was it... oh well maybe hoping it will calm in the week.
You get a lot of current with a spring tide, especially around Plymouth. Tong and I were off the Hoe yesterday, and the tide was howling through. Almost ended up at Eastern Kings!

Spring lows also allow you to get to some of the deeper reefs, ie the Shagstone off Heybrook.
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