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St.Thomas WHAT IF???????

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.

river rat

dude abides
Oct 1, 2005
Going to St.Thomas this week, I have a meeting to see and make an offer on a shop over there. What if there were a small freindly operation catering to my freediving bretheren? A no bullshit operation,just taking care of y'all with no pretentious bullshit-just good Zen like service. If i Built it would you come?

Asking for y'all's input/advice lets brainstorm this one.
Would you cater to freedive spearo's as well - ethical hunters who like to catch there dinner? I know the regulations in St. Thomas support spearfisherman.
Great idea, the USVI have a ton of potential for a little operation like you describe. Good luck with your venture,

I'll come if it's a spearo operation. Maybe I'll bring 5 other guys and a few wives too. Only one of which is mine :) Wife, that is....
Erik Y.
what kind of services offered would attract your group??? example:

types of gear available for rent
shop sponsored cook-outs
Start with the number one priority: knowing where the big fish are they couldn't find by themselves. Most traveling spearos who know what they're doing bring in their own equip.

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