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Stabilizing monofin open-heel footpockets

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Dec 30, 2005
Just got myself a waterway model 3 and it's the first time I use open-heel footpockets. I think they're ok but I don't know if my foot is supposed to bend in the middle the way it's doing..? (the footpockets might be too big)

I've seen several monofins where people have put a plastic or metal piece coming out of the footpocket to support the heel and not bend the foot so much. Any ideas if this is good or bad? Or which material to use? :confused:
What size is the footpocket (eg. 290mm, 310mm etc), and what size is your foot?
I got it in 240mm to fit in socks for coldwater diving. My feet are 250mm...
Hmm, my foot is a euro 44, UK 9.5, US 10.5 (not sure what that is in mm). My Waterways was 310mm and it is a reasonably good fit, ie. I can keep it on for about 20min in the pool with 1mm socks, and about 45min in the ocean with no socks before it hurts too much.

It sounds as though your footpocket might be too small. Does it hurt after a while? How long till it hurts?

Do your feet squeak and move around in the footpocket when you kick?
Unlike most dive stereo fins that have a firm footpocket and the fin bends, the waterway footpocket is mounted on the blade at a point that the blade is still bending. Even with the right size footpockets you will still feel the blade bending under your feet. The good news is that although this feels strange if you have always used footpockets that were stiff with lots of support, it is how the waterway foot pocket is designed to work and feel. It will after a while feel 'normal'. I would suggest persisting with it for a while before making any mods......and that's from a guy that has the "mods to waterway blade" thread in the monofin section at the moment :)
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