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Statement: World Championship Coverage

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.

Stephan Whelan

Papa Smurf
Staff member
Jan 7, 1999

I thought i'd spend a couple of minutes explaining why Deeper Blue isn't able to provide coverage of the AIDA World Championships going on over in Ibiza, Spain at this moment.

A team had intended to go to provide coverage, including Video, Audio, Written and Pictorial versions - but funding was a problem. Despite our best efforts our monetary targets fell short and the choice was between one possibly two members of the team go on their own, or nobody go...I personally made the decision not to send anyone.

This was a difficult decision, but we had to make a financial decision and it pained us all to not be able to go.

I know there is International Press there, as well as Howard Jones from Freediver UK who try to submit news reports as they happen, but information is very thin on the ground.

2002 World Championships will be held in Hawaii and we already are in the process of gathering funding - I can promise world class reporting next year from the premier freediving website - Deeper Blue!

For this years coverage, please stay tuned to Deeper Blue News for information as we get it.
W Record

Herbert Nitsch dived -86 metres today! I think he did an 8:11 in static too. :king Sheesh! And Congrats Herr Nitsch.
Erik Y.
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