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static B/O's

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bevan dewar

Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2001
i've B/O'd packing before which i understand to be due to interthorasic pressure inhibiting blood flow to brain, but yesterday i B/O'd on my once yearly static after doing nothing but 5 fairly rapid and deep breaths at the end of my breathup. not exactly excessive hyperventilation. i want to understand exactly what causes this. i though the variables might have been stacked againt me that day(as could be measured by erric fattah's test where he stands up quickly, packs, and then measures his lucidity on a 1-10 scale). but the curious thing was that one minute after regaining consciousness i went into another hold and managed 6:30(a p.b). clearly i wasnt having a bad day(or maybe i descovered a new breathup regeime). appreciate the input.
Eric Fattah usually makes his better times with a BO maybe you can find the related topics about this written by Eric...

I think Eric uses a Samba in his warm ups not a blackout.

A new question has happened to me... how can Eric manage the Samba and not get into a BO?

A Blackout happens after a Samba its a very close line. A samba is when you experience tunnel vision, shaking of the body, Short term loss of memory but you dont blackout as in loosing concsiouness. It is easy to Samba but I dont reccomend it. usually if you hyperventilate then do a exhale static for long enough you will experience the above symptoms, which is a Samba not a blackout.


The fact that you B/O'd from packing means your BP was probably very low. Low BP results in huge statics, if you can make it past the first 30 seconds without blacking out from the chest crunch effect.

So, this could explain your huge static after the blackout.

For example, the first time I ever broke 7'00, my pb at the time was 6'30. I had such low BP that after my hyperventilation, I inhaled for my last breath, and immediately got light headed. I waited for 10-15 seconds for it to pass, then I packed about 5 times, which made me light headed again. I waited for about 10 seconds for it to pass, then I packed a bit more. I continued this process for about 40 seconds, until my lungs were full, and then I started the clock. My time was 7'10, breaking my pb by 40 seconds in one static, and actually it had been 7'10+0'40 = 7'50 since I actually inhaled my last breath, but since I spent so long waiting/packing/waiting, the actual apnea time was 7'10. This works on dry land, but in the water low BP is very hard to overcome, and when you need to pack/wait/pack/wait, it is very hard to start the static in the 10 second window of the competition.

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada

Eric that is amazing as well as giving me lots of confidence. An increase in pb of 40sec in one static. if low Bp is good for statics then how do you get low blood pressure. Does hyperventilation make your Bp get lower hence you get dizzy after hyperventilating

The easiest way to drop your blood pressure is to eat nothing but raw fruits & vegetables, and LOTS of raw garlic (several cloves per day). Further, cut out all salt, but continue to drink water.

Extreme potassium foods such as dates will help. Coconuts & coconut milk seem to help too.

For an even greater effect, hard cardio lowers your BP.

Also, doing alternate nostril pranayama breathing, 30 minutes, twice a day, will lower your blood pressure dramatically in a few days.

I worry about trying to increase my BP, and here you are trying to decrease yours!

Each to his own taste...

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada

Eric Im confused I was about to print your once again awsome info and start eating and doing what you say. But then at the end you said your trying to increase your Bp. Whats the go isnt a low Bp good for statics if so what am im missing out on bt lowering it instead of making it higher. why are you increasing blood pressure. Im curious cos naturally I want to follow whatever you say is best. :)

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