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Sticky ear - Otovent??

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Dimitris G.Maroulakis
Nov 30, 2009
Good day,

Does Otovent helps drain the eustachian tube and inner ear apart from medical pills and other chemical stuff??

I have chronic sticky ear most probably because of allergic rhinitis mucus entered the inner ear and its difficult to equalize my right ear..

Hi Dimitirs

I had major major problems equalizing my left ear, basically I couldn't get any equalization. Then I started doing Umberto's "Tubular Aerobics" on a daily first-thing-in-the-morning basis, for this I also used an Otovent. The results are smashing, to say the least. After one month I could equalize without any effort, anytime, and on good days, even the pressure of the mask is enough, so no need to pinch my nose.

I don't think the Otovent itself makes a big difference, but used within this training program it's an important piece of the equalization puzzle.

These are eustachian tube muscle training excercices as described in Umberto's book for easier equalizations. Otovent is a part of these excercices.
And once more it's the daily training and not the technology that's gonna make you happy!
Now, if I could just find my copy of his book, all would be answered.

i'll bring my copy onboard if its ok with the captain?
dont think is allowed to upload pages of any published book but maybe this can be done off the record via emails.....? just a thought..

meantime I continue doing otovent and see if this gonna change anything unless there is a chronic inflammation inside there..
It's a good book to have, for all sorts of reasons. Until then, do a internet search, I'm sure you'll find heaps os stuff. We're talking about jaw movements, tongue acrobatics, isolating the soft palate, taking gulps of water with a pinched nose, many more funny ideas.. and - last but not least - how to have fun with the otovent.

It's a really fun way to wake up

Dimitris: i was referring to an up coming freedive/boat trip I am going on with Cdavis! You can not upload copyrighted material here without the correct permissions.
Sorry guys i misinterpreted the "bringing on board" )

Have fun.

Posted via Mobile Device
i have a major sticky right ear. i was turned on to umbertos aerobic excercices some time ago but otovent really put it all together. its amazing how the ear just clears.
Carefull with the otovent balloon if you have a crazy cat around your house.
I do and she basically chewed and digested them all and i'm pretty sure she has no need to equalize at all

Guys, I'm bringing up this matter cause of some grey areas left on the Otovent thing.

What exactly are u doing with the Otovent.

I stick it on my nostril, close the other with my finger, blow and inflate the balloon and then start swallowing repeatedly. Then do the same on the opposite nostril.

Am I loosing anything?

Hi Dimitri, inflating it should be enough, at least with me i equalize right away when i inflate the thing. But you can definetly play around with it as in filling it, closing your softpalate and reopen it to empty the otovent ballon for example.

Ok, I am overdoing this and also I keep it inflated and doing repeated BTV with the pressure obtained from the balloon.
Hi Dimitris

Basically yes, but not only swallowing, there' a lot more to it. Check Umberto's book, there is a fun chapter about games and exercises with the Otovent.

Have fun!
Grrrrr... I borrowed my book to a friend few weeks ago..seems that I will have to take it back as I do remember those pages but not in detail!
Hehe, never give the bible away!
..and make sure your girlfriend can't hear you when you do those exercises
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