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Storing and transporting your catch.

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take a breath and relax..
Apr 26, 2001
After most dive trips im faced with a four hour drive home whats the best way to store fish, shellfish, lobsters and crabs for this.. also when I get the chance my trips take the form of two or three days, much of my catch is eaten there and then over the fire.. MMMMmmmmm :p But what with the stuff I want to take home?
Any advise on storage and transporting my catch is greatly appreciated.
Im based in the UK so my catch is can consist of...
European Sea Bass
Various Flatfish (usually Plaice)
Grey Mullet
Edible Crab
Spider Crab
and scallops.
Cheers for your help
Transport everything in a big cooler...and the magic word is ICE....lots of ICE :wave
I would just add don't let the seafood soak in the freshwater. Put fillets in bags and cover w/ ice and put the shellfish on top of the ice.

ickledevil. I'm thinking of going over to England later this year to work a bit. The main thing that is keeping me in SA is the diving.
Now you tell me you've got lobster and other stuff. Can you perhaps post the limits and seasons for the stuf you usually catch? How is the diving there ?(Water temp, Vis and sharks :) )

Thanks a lot

Ok, here is the jist... if you do choose to come over get back in touch and join my club www.divelondon.com London international Club we have a fair few SA spearo's as members some here still and some back there.
There are no set seasons on fish or crustaceans it is mainly down to the time of year and availiability,
Most fish species are around between now and November, with the flat fish (plaice especially) hanging around a bit longer also pollack seem to be around almost all the time and Cod occasioanlly make an apperance in the colder months but weather is often too bad to dive. I usually dive regularly between March and November with one or two in the other months if Im lucky with the weather, crustaceans can be found year round but are most prolific in the above months, shellfish are usually a early season thing.. March-May, it is illegal to spear crustacians they must be taken by hand it is also illegal to spear on scuba. If your diving you must have a surface flag or marker bouy, be no less than 50m i think from a boat with one (up to 5 divers) or have a personal float think it can cover two of you, 50m again. There is a size limit on lobster I think its 3inch carapace but im not certain. There are a few rules that arnt law.. e.g we dont take round fish under 35cm, flatties about the same, dont take Wrasse, they are friendly and taste crap.. dont take somthing you have no use for. i.e if your not going to eat it! dont take crustaceans laden with eggs. But as I said as far as Im aware none of that is law.
Weather can be beautiful (it is at the minute) flat seas air temp up to 35 degrees c sea temp varies but at the moment its about 7 degrees c a good two piece 5mm is fine by the end of the summer it will be 10-12 degrees c in most places. The south coast is best offering vis from nothing to 10metres plus most diving is in fifteen metres or less. the prevailing wind is SW so sheltered bays are usually the best bet as high winds whip up a swell and destroy the vis.
Theres always the chance of conger eel as well as wreck diving, seeing a dolphin or seals.
Best to tag along wth some locals as places arnt always 100 percent safe.. take the most popular place Portland if your in the wrong place at the wrong time you end up in france!
Sure i have got some things wrong or missed stuff out but let us know!
Good luck
Hi Joe

Thanks for the quick reply and the lank detail.
I'll let know if I decide to come over there.

Thanks Reinier
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