i am a new member to this site and would love any information on who to contact concerning fishing regulations in massachusetts. i have spoken with members of the division of marine fisheries several times but made no or little progress. specifically, i have been trying to get lawmakers in massachusetts to consider the idea of allowing people in state waters to spear striped bass. rhode island has allowed the spearing of bass for many years. i have watched the species come back from the brink and people seem to be very hesitant to allow the spearing of this fish. our waters seem to be over run with stripers. on any given dive i usually encounter 100 + bass to every 1 tautog. why is this fish stiill coveted by the hook and line guys. i know that a lot has to do with the economy and tourist/sportfishing dollars. a person off the street can purchase a commercial license that allows one to harvest up to 30 fish a day for an initial fee of $65. recreational fisherman are allowed two fish a day above 32 inches. the lawmakers seem to be so hung up on the size issue that they wont even look at spearing as an option. the argument is that spearfisherman cant measure a fish before he/she shoots. again, it is really frustrating to encounter such a prolific species on every dive and to know that this species is reserved for the rod and reel guys. why not allow one of the most selective forms of fishing? we all know the mortality rates of released fish caught by hook and line. does any one have any advice for me in how to start a dialogue with lawmakers? has anybody experienced any luck with different species in different states? happy hunting to all!