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Strong Headache

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Aug 16, 2022
Hello Guys,
I am currently training free-diving in Philippines for about 8 days in a row, day one I had some 30 to 35 meters dive, afternoon statics training,, other days same also,, morning and afternoon trainings,, two days ago I got strong headache when I reached to 27, it was strange Headache so I decided to turn and finish the dive, when I reached to surface after 2..3 minutes of breathing..headache disappeared but not completely... then for next dives I got headache but so weak !!!!
yesterday again it happened while I reached 30 meters, strong headache and again when I reached to surface after breathing 3..4 minutes disappeared and for next dives to 35 meters no headache! this is so wired ,, my instructor is very experienced and a world champion and he told me same that it is strange.. in the afternoon same day I have DNF at pool,, at the end of 50 meters I got same headache again but not as strong as open water.. anyone has same experience or anybody can help me? I google it but the only answer I got maybe too much CO2 ? I have to add headache is on top of the head (All to parts)
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