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Surf's up!

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Freediving Sloth
Sep 8, 2002
I'm guessing that this astonishment was given birh to by the famous meteoroligical phenomenon known as 'photoshopus majorus'.

One can only marvel.

(edited for size)


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at least the viz. looks better in this one!!
Well, i'm happy NOT to be in ANY of their shoes!!!!!

Hi deepthought!

I'm not so sure that the picture you showen was made in photoshop!

go to www.ocean.com and read the aricle about the cortes banks,One hundred miles west of San Diego, California. Thin threads of surf-industry communication manifest an unprecedented number of “extreme surfing” cognoscenti motoring far into the Pacific, beamish with a forecast of high seas and sedate climes. Giddy speculation for the mystic 100-foot wave.
Few had been there. Fewer had surfed there…until today. Likely to be a recurring concept in the annals of the Bank.

The surfers go there by charter boat and there are over 30m high waves!!!!!!!!!
heres a picture!

:duh :duh


  • cortes.jpg
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As I understand it, the Cortez Bank waves only occur a few days a year. They're HUGE and never actually break, though I could be wrong about that.
Yea Deep the picture you posted is real its Teahupo'o , its in Tahiti ...and Teahupo'o translated is "THE END OF THE ROAD" as you can see how that barrel sucks up . The reason the wave bends...scientific term is Bathymetry , contour of the reef makes this wave wrap around the reef in such a way .

Ive been forutnate to surf this place last year. Even on a smaller day it breaks below sea level .People have died there , as you can see its power ...like a freight train.
If your interested do a search on www.surfingthemag.com or wherever , they show some video clips of this beast .
A good video on this wave is called KUMBAYA . really cool .
You will be amazed on how this actually breaks below sea level when you see straight on . yikes.. i have scars from it


This is a good comparison , to see the wave sucking up off the reef.
This break is in Brazil . Notice the below sea level .

Im bored


  • ilhae_001.jpg
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Teahupo'o grinding

Here is Teahupo'o grinding off the reef. You can actually feel the power of the wave in the village on shore.

This is the end sequence of a wave that Laird Hamilton surfed.


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ok last one , this is Teahupo'o again , with Laird holding on for dear life . No this isnt fake , you can see the video yourselves.

You can see the wave starting to bend .


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Hi headlands, I've seen Teahupo'o wave 2 years ago when I was in Tahiti! truly amazing!

Ever heard of DUNGEON'S, Hout Bay, Cape Town???
LOADS of RESPECT to all you surfers out there!!!!!!

Some insane pictures!!! I like!!!!!

Dungeons is situated very close to seal island in Hout Bay. Image surfing those waves with the threat of GW's as well. Like i said before, LOADS of Respect to all those hardcore surfers!!!!

Yea i have heard of Dungeons , i think there is a contest there every year.
Yea they have balls of steel surfing that spot .

Hey Headllands,

That is some wave. I can readily see how such a spot could exist, but what are (what look like) a crowd of kids on short boards doing right next to it?? It doesn't appear to fit.

Theres a channel , a safe zone where they can watch this . During contests there , there will over 150 people either on small boats , wave runners , kayaks . And sometime "clean up" sets come in ...which are waves sometime a little bigger or the angle is differant than usual....freak wave.. While my stay there , it was half that size, even then after a wave you can just sit in channel(watching others) and rest or hop on the boat 15ft away and have a brew ...oh wait not smart thats how i got scars on my legs from that place. So its real , its the angle its taken from . Just like the one with the boat staring into that cavern.

I will find another shot for fun that shows that angle and the crowds that place gets. Its nuts.
Plus these little groms...kids , sleep and breathe the ocean there . Some playground eh.

This black and white one is awesome , shows you what im talking about at least.


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Sorry if i hijacked the thread

Connor here is one showing the spectators during a contest.

Freaking water world , notice the judges booth to the left . Sometimes , its been knocked down ...of course .



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Last one . Yea im bored

Almost same vantage point really , just zoomed in a bit .



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