Dived to the east of Brighton on 3rd Nov the wind has been out of the N / NE here for weeks with 20ft viz most days, we have had a few days of ground swell but that only knocked out the inshore viz for a while. I had a bit of a lucky break on Saturday, shooting a 3-kilo bass with a single point in a very tight dark slot, I struggled to retrieve my spear only to find another 3-kilo bass on from the same shot. On the cod front we have been catching them for the last 6 weeks but only up to 6 lbs with one of our lads rumored to have taken one of 17lbs but with no one seeing the evidence we will have to put it down to another one of his tall stories. We fished Bognor on Sunday, the water temperature has dropped from a high of 17% to 12% in the last few days with a big reduction in fish almost overnight, still I saw a couple of spooky bass 4 kilo + with several fish of 2 kilos being caught. We spoke to a local fisherman, who showed us his catch; every one of his fish had a big bite out of it from a seal that has been causing havoc in the area for the last week, no wonder the fish were on edge. Trosky gave the pout record a nudge on the same dive taking one of 1.2 kilos.