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Sussex Spearing 2012

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
I'm embarrassed to say no. Would have gone with a buddy but wasn't in the mood for going it alone. Don't know why.

I'm keen to get back in - I want to hunt around for flatties as I've never done that at Newhaven... Are you back Nick?
Just been in at Brighton. Viz was a milky 2-3m with only wrasse seen. Cold water headache has yet to subside...
Just jumped in at Newhaven. Viz was around 1.5m on entry but opened up to a pleasing 2-4m. Only a few wrasse and a small baitfish schoal seen, but the sun brightened up the dive no end. I had a great time diving amongst the boulders that were brought to life by the caustics dancing around. Definitely getting a bit colder now and I exited when my hands started to seize up.

Roll on the spider crab season!
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I am a student at the University of Brighton, I got into the free-diving about 8 or 9 months ago and I have an almost complete speargun that i made at the end of last summer.

I have hardly been out in the sea since I started my degree and would like to meet up and go out for a dive or maybe to have a go at spear-fishing if there is any one to go with?

I have a decent 5mm winter suit, boots and i think a hood. I was fine out coasteering for over 3 hours on the North coast of Cornwall back home over the christmas holidays.

I get back to brighton on the 6th if there is any one about during the1st half of jan or feb i’m well up for going out and hopefully learning a few things.
happy new year! hope everyone had a good christmas, seems like ages ago since i was last on here.... in fact, it was ages ago! had a pretty busy last few months so have had no time to get in the water what so ever. keeping an eye on the weather, will try an make it out in the next month or so if the weather holds up, any one had much luck through the winter? shot much??

Happy new year too! I'm afraid that I've been away since mid November so haven't got wet since then. though I might be around in Brighton this weekend in case conditions are ok.

Can someone with the tech skills set up a 2013 thread??

Here's to good viz and loaded stringers.
The water in Brighton has been pretty calm for the past week so the vis should be ok at the mo, I'm dying to get in there as my new flat looks over the west pier and I swear I can actually see the fish tempting me each morning!