Recently got hold of a datacable for my D4 wanting to have a bit closer look at my dive profiles to review my ascent/descent rates and generally see if they look OK.
After a reasonable amount of trial and error I managed to get DM4 loaded (site offline the first few times I tried).
Software seems a bit underwhelming (or maybe I'm not understanding how it works) and for some reason I cannot retrieve or change my password to My Suunto so cannot ask Suunto.
I'm hoping someone on DB could advise me on the following:
Thanks in advance
Phil C
After a reasonable amount of trial and error I managed to get DM4 loaded (site offline the first few times I tried).
Software seems a bit underwhelming (or maybe I'm not understanding how it works) and for some reason I cannot retrieve or change my password to My Suunto so cannot ask Suunto.
I'm hoping someone on DB could advise me on the following:
- Export data eg to Excel
- Download more than the last 1month/162 dives
- Change the time scale on the plots from minutes to seconds.
Thanks in advance
Phil C