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Sven + Baja = muy Smooth!

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Ooooooo . . . Must . . . have . . . more . . . black . . . bikinis! Not that there's anything wrong with the blue print one, either.

I dunno, Sven, I'd give a pretty if Mrs. Sarge could be talked into joining the seahunt but it ain't gonna happen. It seems that our roles are: I provide the food and cook it and she provids the company and the majority of the income. In your case, my guess is that if the lady wants a gun, wrap it up in pink paper with a gold bow and give it to her. After all, once she's under water, she'll be quieter . . .

down boy! rofl rofl

Slap on the wrist for the latter part of your paragraph... would take a lot more than pink paper and a gold bow to shut me up, that's for sure....
[QUOTE... would take a lot more than pink paper and a gold bow to shut me up, that's for sure....[/QUOTE]

I've got a tool for that.:hmm
Shame on me, then. Obviously posting while intoxicated, again. Damn Old Vine Zinfandel, anyway. :blackeye
Lets see, thats the most UN-SURPRISING trip report ever. Sven goes to Baja and gets awsome fish the whole time, and is accompanied by a beautifull woman.

Wow, Im really shocked......

For real though, thats an awsome baja trip report. Sounds like a great time!

Its funny how comming to the surface with a nice grouper always looks easier than it is.
Reactions: icarus pacific
It's all about the Riffe floatline muchacho ! rofl And tell your kid congrats from me on popping his first fish.

The last day was a bittersweet mix of resolve to get back to the grind to pay off the tab and/or just saying the Hell with it, calling back to have the rest of the gear sent and losing the phone and accent. ?Yo quero escape?

Never one to let a sunny patch of sand go to waste, Kerry did was she does well, and changed suits. I on the other hand finally put my camo Oceanos suit to it's best use. With sharp blade in hand I cut the legs and sleeves from the suit and slipped them over the muzzles and bands of my gun. I figured that if the 2 year old suit was going to deteriorate on me, it might as well do something other than leak. :head Back to basic black and no worries.

And as we bid adios to the the scenic 'burb of Ventana, I was filled with fish tacos and the resolve to return, er, regresa pronto to this beautiful and bountiful place. With more shafts, smaller bikinis and bigger coolers. :king
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Nice fish, would have looked better still in the water!
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And as we bid adios to the the scenic 'burb of Ventana, I was filled with fish tacos and the resolve to return, er, regresa pronto to this beautiful and bountiful place. With more shafts, smaller bikinis and bigger coolers. :king

Since i won't be going there anytime soon , i'll be her for your reports
Any more pics?
Awesome report and pics man! You are living the dream in a big way!
Smo-o-o-oth Sven. Say hi to Kerry. Any other coments would probably sound like 'sour grapes'. Thanks for sharing.
Great Report Swen, you do seem to understand what freedivers like

Love, Peace and Water,

Nice Place. Wish I could come take some photos of the fish. Regards to your lovely lady.
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