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sven's ab-grab update!

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Just visiting...
Aug 26, 2001
day one:

water temp was 46F today! about 25 degrees colder water than i've ever been in! :( my omer 5mil was fine, but my hands got a bit cold.

anyways, we had a blast! the viz was crap, but once you got to the bottom it was beautiful. i've never had a mask on in the pacific and was completely in awe. :eek: the rocks were mammoth and the marine life was a lot more bountiful than i'd imagined.

well, .. i'm sitting at sven's computer and neither he or octo is speaking to me. right now they're throwing out every joke about newbies and luck. so happens that luck found me today on my first ab hunt. :D i think i pulled up one that many spend their entire life searching for. what can i say? i thought i'd be making friends on these outings! :D

so... the aromas in this room are euphoric and my mouth is watering like crazy. time to go pay respect to my elders ;) and eat the wonderful food they're preparing! :D

heading out tomorrow a.m. and will fill in everyone on the events to take place. i think we're going to try and bring the rock guns out.

Sounds like a great time... making me hungry. Beginners luck - I have it every time I go gambling.

Watching for the update - send pictures, proof haha

i just (and i mean just, i havent even taken a shower yet, yuck) got back from a moutainbike race, and i hear you complaining about the "cold" water,

wake up: 0630
race start: 0900
air temp: -2C
wind, gusts to 40 km an hour
pouring rain, and the trails are soaked because it was raining all night
after getting the bikes off the car we were already frozen and wet, damn

happy you're having a good time,

ps. did terrible in the race
Well, I see that you are causing havoc in the pacific as well as the atlantic. I printed the pics of you and the Kingfish. I cant belive how big that damn thing is. I hope that all is well and you are having a good time torturing those poor veterans. I knew that you were going to destroy thier poor egos. Here is a kid from florida, living in colorado schooling the ab pros all the way in the pacific.. Have a good time for me. All that I have in front of me is a book and a cup of coffee. This sucks but at least I have my representative stickin his neck out for me. Don't have too much fun out there guys.:friday Good luck!
The real story...

OK, first off if you weren't there, you missed out big time. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. And those of you that said you were coming and didn't, I extend to you the stubby.

Second, this clown Anderson was born under a sign that read,"Deposit your luck here".

Aaron (Octo) and Anderson arrived at my palatial spread late Friday night after the usual flight delays and stopping off in the bushes for breaks and to show eachother their scars. That next morning dawned much calmer than Friday where I had considered calling the whole shindog off due to 30+kt winds and building swells, and so after a little Abalone 101 for Anderson, we descended on a secret spot of mine to lay seige. The runoff from the rains and the wind made the viz a scant 2-3 feet, but when your on and arond the rocks, no biggy, right?

A poignant pause... a red abalone must be a minimum of 7" to be a legal catch. I have a motto of 9" and over, it's in my bag. A 10" ab is the Holy Snail, er, Grail of California divers. Many are those that have had their ashes thrown to the winds, after having lived unfulfilled lives from never prying loose the mighty 10" hubcap.:waterwork Back to our feature...

So we tie our floats out on some handy kelp and I go down and pop an ab off to show Anderson what it was Aaron and I were all excited about, see the guy's never done this or dove in the serene Pacific. I show him where the bottom is, tell him to haul himself down the kelp and sit back for the festivities. Aaron by this time was well into his limit of three. And so Anderson heads down leaving me a minute and a half of Sun, peace and quiet. Up pops his head and there in his rapidly chilling paws is a 9" abalone. Way to start a career!

Well I figure that the guys safe and sound so off I go to see what there is to see and after a couple of trips down into the gloom, I hear a shout. "Hey Sven, I got a 10!!" (Bill and Jay, get this...) And there was Anderson with a grin that not even the magical Farallon snorkel could cover. "Yeah OK, whatever ", I'm thinking as I toodle on over thinking that he'd used the wrong gauge to measure the thing. Nope. There in all it's snail splendor was a 10-1/16" abalone. The guy's first time ab diving and his second dive down, he pulls a 10. :head The gold lining in my Picasso went brown...

Aaron had gone off to investigate a likely looking area before heading in leaving me to work like a dog to find somthing bigger than Anderson, afterall, this was my house, right? :king Nope. After rooting around like a rubber coated pig for another half hour, Anderson reigned supreme by an 1/8". :head Even the comorants and herons were laughing. Spanked in my own house...:blackeye

Well, Aaron I figure that if we can't get over on the guy diving, we'll show him how to swing a golf club at the range. Nope, the guy does that too. :mute But at least Aaron was able to save himself by proving his culinary expertise in my spacious gold-guilt kitchen, whilst I fumed and glowered, cleaning and readying my kit for the next day's battle. Anderson, hell the guy was on cloud 10-1/16. :hmm

Sunday came later, calmer and clearer and at secret spot 36d, we dove deeper and longer for the wily molluscs, and though the 9"s were in the bag, nothing was going to remove the kid from the throne. (flipping the bird smiley-face icon) Plane filghts, other soirees to attend and sheer purple underthings ;) all called so we left eachother with numbers and promises to do it all again, soon.

I'm a richer guy knowing these two. Well, Aaron anyways...

sven DB's sultan of smooth:king
Well Boys,

What a weekend! Thanks guys, I needed the break and some laughs. Mother Earth smiled on Sunday, where we had 15-20' of vis and hardly a rouge wave in the set. What a wash rock Sven took us to! 40+' on the backside and 15' on the shore side. Metridium, sponges, anenome gardens in vertical spleandor. Pinnacles are fast becoming my favorite UW topography: move 10" and there is a whole different micro-ecology to revel in.

As Sven stated, we were left sucking mounds of sea foam when Anderson surfaced from his second dive with an ancient snail. But to tell it straight requires the truth: Sven and I were stoked for Anderson. The man deserved to get as much as possible for the cost of his plane ride. Wait till he finds out how much this stuff goes for per pound and the shell he held as well as the meal on Saturday will swell to proper proportion (smiley icon pounding head on brick wall whilst spanking oneself)

These guys are gems. Sven, Andrsn and I appreciated the way you openly shared your knowledge and your palatial home with us. I look forward to many adventures with you.
I am also going to blow the whistle for those who may have misinterpreted (as I did when he first came aboard) Sven's manner in the written word: Behind the snarl and growl, the man is kind, witty, intelligent and generous, with a sense of humor that rivals any I've witnessed. Look for the smile that shines through and you will see the same man I met this weekend.

I have been graced and honored to meet, share food, lies, and brine water with these guys. I do wish more of the DB folks were there so the lies could be bigger and the laughs louder. If you planned on being there, but did not go. You blew it.

Sven, you must simply post the new banner of DB honor whilst Anderson uploads it here for posterity. Did I have enough chap stick for the shot?

Thanks again to Sir Stubby The Smooth and Sir Anderson Of Plaid Boxers.

Warm Regards with or without tropical water,

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Maybe we should start caling him "King Fisher or the Fisher King":king After the Keys trip and now this he probably didn't have to use his return ticket, he just rode the wind back on his ego;) Man, I guess even a blind hog finds an acorn every now and then. Now I'm not sure if I'm going to invite him out here or not.:confused: Sounds like you guys had a great time though, sorry I missed it. Congratulations Anderson!
Well then,

Anderson spanked the old salts in thier own back yard. Now you guys see what I have to contend with. I was usually the one with the wise ass grin on my face and the big fish in the box, but I must say that Anderson has prayed to the ocean gods or something cause that boy is on a roll. As for Andersons humor, he probably used all of my material.:t It seems like you all had a good time and rightfully so. Meanwhile here I sit in a cold dark damp room all by myself rotting away in front of a book. :( I sure am going to laugh when I have to pull out one of you guys teeth. I will remind you all of this little escapade where you forgot your lucky little cuban;) Well guys its back to finals, freedom starts on the thirteenth of next month. Then I will be the one :D at you guys:)
He wants to put his Cuban where??!

Originally posted by Aquiles

I was usually the one with the ass on my face and in the box Meanwhile here I sit in a cold dark damp room all by myself I sure am going to pull out of you guys. I will remind you all of this little escapade where you forgot your lucky little cuban;) Then I will be the one :D at you guys:)

Uh...yeah, you're invited next time too. :hmm

Honestly Aquiles, it wood, uh er, would have been great to have had you out here. Jay too. This place needs a little more appreciation for the cold and murk. So who's holding the next shindig and when?

Photographic proof!!

Here we go folks, proof positive! These are the boys in the band, Sven, Aaron and Anderson, l to r. Much mention should be made of our single status, our handsome and high fashion sense and good karma.

and still more!!

Anderson with 19 inches worth of breast tissue, his first ab, 9" on his left and the big slug on the right. Maidenform and Victoria's Secret take notice...
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This has caption contest written all over it.

So, which is the bigger prick? rofl
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when will it end?

here we go folks... Anderson and his trophy hubcap. Cue the March of the Valkyries...
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dog off the leash

just another rough day on the briny blue. Note that there's no Sven with a circle/slash on the sign.
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I must say that's a motley, er, I mean a studdly looking crew. But really I would of loved to of been w/ you guys. I'm not sure the left coast could of handled it if the little QBN and myself showed up also. Again great job and save some for me.
Boy oh boy, did I ever miss some fun! Looks like you guys had a great time. My plans got changed for me at the last minute, my apologies for missing, I humbly accept the extended stubby. Anderson, congrats on the big 10 inch, I've been diving here a long time and haven't gotten one bigger than 9 & 3 quarters, you are amazing!!

Water On Lens Or Rubbed Out

OK Sven, How come you are the only one we can see in the trio photo? :girlie Sure seems convenient for water drops to edit only Anderson's face and my face, but leave your intact (shudder).:D Some folks just cannot admit when they have been eclipsed by stunning good looks and scintillating personalities.rofl

Just for the record, that hair style of mine took 8 hours (of sleep)to come up with. The grimace is from hanging out with guys all weekend.

Oh, and Anderson: Nice Rack! (mandatory sexist comment - another side effect from the weekend)

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Hey there sven,

I love the mild editing that you did to the quote on my post. I'm glad that you could decipher the code and I'm glad that you really know what I was trying to say. They say that great minds think alike. I hope that I get to meet you soon considering this closeness that we share.

By the way I don't mind a little ass on my face every once and a while. I think that it does a body good. It also lowers your heartrate if you place the ass in cold water before the sitter sits':naughty Well the pics are great, keep the smiles comin'


Jay, when we fish with these boys we will make sure to spread the bad luck aroud evenly(inside joke):duh
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