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Svens got a gun.......

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New Member
Nov 26, 2003
Well I have been waiting to post this report untill Icarus gets back from his vacation but I couldnt wait.

Here goes the report

Temp Air 75-82
Temp water 67
vis 5-15feet
current slack
wind 20-40mph from the south.

The first day of arrival we where greated by a wind storm. We stayed in my house that night and listend to the wind wrap around the structure. The next morning we got up and ate. We launched the boat in the water only to find out that a water pump that we had thought we repaired, was not. If shot water all over the engine copartment.

I was bummed, A deeperblue mentor on my trip and my boat was acting poorly. We used our back up boat which was a 24ft panga with a 60hp yamaha on back. We tried to make a push for the islands but the wind and chop was very bad. Icarus made a comment to me about the most important part of the dive being getting back alive to shore. We stopped short of the islands and I put us in a somewhat sheltered cove along shore.

Icarus and my partner jumped in the water. I was worried about getting fish in such conditions. The vis was max 8 feet in this spot. Soon after getting in the water my partner eric yells, "I just spooked a big one in real shallow!!" I knew the fish where there but getting one would be a trick.

I got in the water last. I swam over to where Icarus was working an underwater pinnicle just off the beach. I swam over to him and yelled if he saw anything. He just nodded and put up his finger telling me "one".

I continued to hunt, being frustrated by bolting groupers in the murk.

towards the middle of the dive I swim over to Icarus to check his luck. He swims by with a huge Lepoard grouper!!

How he got it I still have no idea. those fish are very spooky and to sneak up on one in the murk and get a shot was next to impossible. I was stoked and relieved that Icarus had nailed a nice one!

As for me and Eric, well we had to just take our licks and bow down to the non-local that showed us how it should be done.

the next day was better. After breakfast we hopped in my boat which we had fixed that night. We headed out to the islands. Hugging the shore close we made a push through some stiff wind to the big island of Salvatierra. We pulled into one of my favorite coves and started our dive. There where alot of fish out that day. I still shot no big ones but we still managed to get some nice stirngers of yellow snapper. I also got a big lobster.

that night we went back to San Felipe where my friends at the Baja Mar prepared a great dinner.

For an appitezer we had fish bone soup made from our catch followed by a chef signature dish of Philidelphia cream fish medallion with a half lobster tail prepared with red spicy sauce! If was fantastic, I can eat that every night. Along with a mango margarita and the trip was complete.

I had a great time with Icarus and learned alot from him. Ask him about his all clear float line. Its super cool.

Here are the pics of our trip. Maybe when Icarus gets back into town he can add some stuff.

Thanks for comming down Icarus and showing me some stuff!

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Reactions: Old Man Dave
Yum... Grouper!

Thanxs for a top report and photos... the served dinner photos are a nice touch
Good stuff! But who's that handsome Nordic chap?
Erik Y.
Just some guy we found along the road.

Thanks for putting up the trip info, Dale. I was going to do something nice for all the Mothers on their special day by doing a trip report, but now, I'm just kicking it poolside with them. :chatup

Yeah, it was an experience going to Baja. The Third World is a s close as your doorstep. Every time I go somewhere it makes me appreciate even more the things I have, and that ain't a lot.

Dale has a pretty good scam going. He's actually done what a lot of us would want to do- that being making a living from diving, but he's actually doing it. Being an entrepenuer and huckster all in one is prety usual, but when you can speak another language pretty fluent and gather the trust of the locals, then you have the makings for a idea. Dale originally was just going to run these trips as a way to fund his casa-under-construction/bale out plan, but it's been busy enough for him to do it virtually every other week, much to the delight of his knockout wife and the poolboy.

The area where we went, Puertocitos and the Enchanted Islands are quite a draw. The local terrain is relatively accessible by anyone with the gear and cojones to attempt the drive. And the Islands are just nuts. I've been to other places that promised fish but this place has all the signs of being loaded!! Trouble is getting there when the water and wind allow it. :crutch We made a valiant effort to jump that first day, but this old guy has been beat up too many times to need to prove that a 24' panga can make it with a 30 knot wind and 4-6 chop. And no bucket to bail with.

On the way out, I was thinking that a boulder strewn beach that carried into the water looked promising and when we called the beating to the Islands quits, we took a poll, I won and the rest is NO viz/shallow diving history. Just like home. I actually jumped the other side of the boat to go see the deeper area and was rewarded by zip, zero, nada. I was more than bit bummed, owing that I had seen the fishlife in Dale's latest video and was out not so much to prove anything, but hey, it never hurts to land the first one, right? :t Eric had called over saying he spooked a big one in shallow, a phrase oft heard, owing possibly to his questionable pre dive ritual, but I figured "What the heck?" and toodled on over to a much more promising area. Had I been able to see that area, I could have told you more, but the viz was a paltry 1-4 feet and the fins were mostly sticking up in the air, which pretty much explains my epic PB bottom times. rofl

I came over a jumble of rocks and saw the outline of a tail that looked legal, always a good thing in my book and backed off, went around and made out the outline of the fish. One Daryl Wong hybrid- launched [piece of stainless later, dinner. That was pretty much the end of the day as the wind on the way back was going to be a grind and I don't know where you got into that warmer water Dale, but my 3 mil wasn't making it.

The following day dawned much as the last with the wind making an early appearance, but with guns and Old Spice in hand we braved the crossing to a sweet little cove that was just plugged with life. Having only slightly better viz here, I was ready to really let the shafts fly, but some days you're the hero, and the others, you just gotta unload the bands and be content to swim with the fishes. No matter how I cranked up the smooth, I was spooking everything. EVERYTHING!! :head But when you get to see Golden Grouper, Parrots, Hogfish and Yellow and Barred Snapper, hey you count your blessings.

Almost getting skunked, cold again but blessed, I enjoyed another scenic wind swept ride back to one of those launch ramp excercises in why couples get divorced, and was the happiest guy in town to see the gravity feed shower back at the casa that drywall screws built.

Dale's trips aren't cheap, but with the opportunity to see some epic numbers of fish, see some alternatly pretty and some downright sad sights, eat well and remember what it's like to kick it on an air mattress, it may be worth it. Once the casa is done and all the rest of the players are on the same page, the boats reliable and the locals used to the deal, this may make Dale a pretty busy guy. His Humboldt Squid trips and other means of self pimp aside, shooting fish in Baja at the Enchanted Islands is a trip that have you the wherewithall, is a gotta do. Smooth points.

More photos too follow, but the MILF is calling for her tea. Mother's Day you know...
Reactions: Oldsarge
Damn, that's a nice grouper. And for those of you who have never tasted yellow snapper, it's worth the money all by itself. But like Sven says, the weather is all down there and it's unpredictable as Hell. I always try for the half moon tide conditions but even that is far from a guarantee. And, yeah, the Third World is on our doorstep. With all the resources that the Sea of Cortez has to offer there is no excuse for the grinding poverty of the area but what's a gringo to do?
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Two very well crafted stories GTB is on my list - after BC sometime
Looks like another cracking trip, Dale and Sven!! see any pelagics while you were there?


No pelagics

No pelagics. Hell, I couldn't even see the end of my gun while holding it short in front of me! :head I went waaaay too over gunned this trip- a 50" Wong Hybrid and a 60" Wong Magnum Hybrid. I could have brought my old Voit (JBL) Custom rock gun (27") and had an easier time.

For those that are heading down there, on the way out to the Islands and hugging the coast, you'll pass this rocky area with a white "knob", (and I'm sure I'll hear about that...), this is where we jumped. It's now known graciously known as Punta Sven.
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