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swim ear

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Oct 9, 2012
not really and equalisation problem but has any one ever used the product swim ear??

iv been spending a lot of time in the pool doing general swimming fittness, and somtimes its as if the water just wont drain and can be a little uncomfortable after wards, iv never really had a problem before and iv been swiming for a good few years. iv had a coulpe of peopel sugest it...

its ment to aid and helps prevent hearing problems and ear discomfort due to water clogged ears.

has any one used it ?

Never used it but if I understand it they're just alcohol (well more or less) drops that help get rid of the trapped water? Don't see a reason on why it wouldn't help.

I also doubt they'd do any harm (unless you drink them before diving) but on the other hand why use them on a regular basis as they're not a 'fix' for the cause of the issue, if you've never had any issues before and you have now all of a sudden it might be worth just checking to see if there's any wax build up that is stopping water from draining properly or such issues.

Or work on your technique on clearing out water (lying on your side, hopping on one leg etc lol) :)
yer hopping up and down, and looking like a had an extreamly bad twitch 2 hours after iv got out the water often turns heads lol : )
Haha I look like I've just discovered sideways headbanging :)
Chrissie I had swimmers ear this summer, the doc suggested using a drop of olive oil in each ear beforehand. Apparently its recommended for divers too as it protects the ear from water. Thats what i was told by the doc anyway, but i didnt try it yet lol. I have some 'doc's pro-plugs' which i have also tried, which were only partly successful - they do reduce ear wetting, but are very annoying in th eear and hard to keep clean.
I havent used the swim ear product... as Simos said, maybe better to deal with the cause rather than fix the problem if possible.
Simos - its not toooooo bad when in the car as long as no one can hear whats actually playing.

will certianly get it looked at will take 4 weeks just to get seen docs here a usless at times : )

Yes got recommended a drop of olive oil too - obviously have to lie on the side and put them in your ear and wait a few mins. Olive oil is also good against wax building if you use it regularly (there are also special drops for that, might be worth trying).

If you get Doc's pro-plugs and are intending on using them for depth too, make sure you get the vented ones!!!!
I had recurring ear infections because of the same issue. I went to see a specialist, and my outer ear canal is a bit small ("surfer's ears", due to years surfing in cold water), so water can stay trapped next to the ear drum, and that's where infections can start, first outside ( swimmer's ears), then inside (middle ear infection)

The doctor recommended drops like the ones you mentioned (you can also do your own with ethanol, vinegar and distilled water) to use after each dive or time at the swimming pool, and since then, about 3 years ago, I didn't get another infection

I asked about olive oil, but it was not recommended as some bacteria develop faster with it. He talked about another product (can't remember what it was - parafin?) to use instead to coat the outer ear canal and ear drum before diving, if you dive every day (the drops dry your ears and repeated diving can remove wax which protects the ear drums, so risk of infections again). I didn't use it.
Yes I've read before about using paraffin oil instead. I've never had problems with olive oil but it does make you feel like a Greek salad.

I've read also some recommend adding some tea tree oil to olive oil, maybe it's to stop bacteria as Tanguy mentions, don't know. Apparently using cotton buds is bad too, again I've never had issues personally.
fab thanks guys will see if theres a problem and then see if it just needs some more head baning and hopping on onw leg with my head to the side or if i need to oil them up