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Swimming with turtles

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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give me gills!
Jun 18, 2003
Anyone got any tips on swimming with turtles?

We have no dolphins here in Cayman( once is a blue moon maybe) but have hundreds of turtles! You see them 1 out of every 3 or 4 dives.

Do turtles play "pass the kelp" like dolphins?

Can you play and swim with them like dolphins?

I usally scare them and they swim away. I've managed to sneek up on one once and he was cool with me for about 4 seconds. Soon as I thought, "oh, I need air" I think he caught on that I was a human and went his way.


Hey Christian. Sea turtles aren't quite at the intelligence level of dolphins. They have very small brains (the brain of a loggerhead is smaller than a walnut) and aren't social animals. Actually I worked in Cayman in '96 and if I remember correctly there is a very stiff fine and maybe even jail time for harrassing turtles. Grabbing them can severely stress them out. Sorry the news isn't more promising.


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