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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
May 25, 2006
Hi sorry hopefully I don't sound too stupid but I was hoping someone could explain how to do the tables as I want to make sure I get it right. If anyone has all ready done this then I would be greatfull if you could point me in the right direction to where its written.
also this one if you haven't read it already
[ame="http://forums.deeperblue.net/showthread.php?t=64959"]How to start Freediving[/ame]
Hi thanks to you both for your help. Theres loads of great information there, just what I needed!.
So on the c02 table copied and pasted from the sticky post
An example of a CO² Table:
1. ventilate 2:30 static 1:30
2. ventilate 2:15 static 1:30
3. ventilate 2:00 static 1:30
4. ventilate 1:45 static 1:30
5. ventilate 1:30 static 1:30
6. ventilate 1:15 static 1:30
7. ventilate 1:00 static 1:30
8. ventilate 1:00 static 1:30
total duration 25:15
does that mean that you try to hold your breath for 2:30 then breath and in 1:30 do it again for the next number on the chart?
No no, "static 1:30" means HOLDING your breath for 1:30
"Ventilate" means breathe ! So, the time you ventilate decreases every next time you breathe !
I do a table with statics of 2:00. First 'ventilation' = 2:00. My last 'ventilation' is 15 secs. after that, I do one last static of 2:00.
It's great fun !

Cheers !
hey thanks a lot for clearing that up allinapena. do you have to be in water to practice this? would holding breath on land have any results if you do not have access to a spot to swimm
No, you don't have to. The table practice can be considered as dry training eventhough it can be done in water also.
Well, be prepared that your holding breath times could be longer on dry then in the water. At least I think most people have it like this. Bit dissapointing when you finally get to water and test yourself.
Yep...For me too... Hehe...

Oh, and when yo DO get into the water: do NOT - I repeat: do NOT - do it alone. Have someone watching you at least ! And preferrably someone who knows what to do in case you have a blackout !

Cheers !
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